Chapter 3- At the hotel

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I woke up and I was being carried by someone.

"Where am I? What happened?" I ask in a sleepy tone.

"You're ok, you're safe, we are at the hotel we're staying at, you fainted when we were getting into the car" Zak said as he carried me into the lobby of the hotel and Nick and Aaron were carrying my stuff.

"Oh ok, ouch, my head hurts, it isn't a headache" I said in an in pain tone.

"Oh, well as you fell you banged you head, we had a rough look but saw no bleeding so we thought we'd look at you when we get into out hotel room" Zak said.

"Oh ok, thanks Zak" I said.

"It's not a problem" Zak said as he smiled.

We got to our hotel rooms on the 5th floor.

"Ok, Nick and Aaron you have rooms 516 and 514, and I hope it's ok for us two to share 515?" Zak said looking at me while Nick and Aaron went to their rooms.

"Yeah yeah, that's absolutely fine with me Zak" I said smiling at him.

Me and Zak walked to our room, there were two single beds for me and Zak, I put my stuff on my bed by the window and bathroom.

"So I've got the bed then?" Zak said.

"Or if you don't want it you can sleep on the floor" I said jokingly.

"Hmm, I think I'll take the bed" Zak said chuckling.

I laughed.

"Hey can we talk?" Zak asked.

"Yeah sure what's up?" I asked back.

"Well, when you fainted, your t-shirt lifted up a little, and I couldn't help but notice you had a bruise on your stomach, is everything ok?" He asked.

I froze and thought about home again wondering if everyone was ok.

"Charlie, are you ok?" He asked.

I came back to reality.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" I said sadly.

"Ok, so are you going to tell me how you got the bruise" Zak asked in a concerned way.

"Err...I err...I got it from sport" I lied, I felt terrible lying to him, my idol.

"Ok...well...why don't I take a look at your head" He said feeling my head.

"Ouch! It hurt right there" I said holding back tears because I was thinking about home.

"Ok, I'll go and get something frozen to put on that" He said walking to the kitchen.

A few seconds later he came back with an ice pack.

"Here put this where it hurts until it stops hurting" He said handing it to me.

"So what made you faint earlier?" He asked.

"I dunno, I got to the car, as I went to get in, I felt extremely dizzy, then I froze, the next I know is I wake up and you're carrying me." I said confused.

"Ok, as long as you are ok" He smiled.

"So when and where is lockdown?" I asked changing the subject.

"Oh, it's tomorrow night at a hotel that is over 150 years old, don't worry about research and interviews, we've done them already, but we have a last minute interview tomorrow at noon." Zak said.

"Ok, so what have people witnessed there?" I asked.

"Well people have seen apparitions of a man and woman, they say the man is violent, they've seen things break and be moved with no explanation. They have also heard footsteps and heard kids running down the corridor, they've looked because it happens at around midnight, and find nobody there. The violent man attacks people, strangling them and cutting them, there have been at least 5 possessions. The woman is said to haunt room 120 which is where she was murdered by the man, she now hides from him, people that stay in that room hear her footsteps and crying and a few people have felt her touch them and I think that's about it" Zak said.

"Wow, a lot happens!" I said a bit surprised and chuckling.

Nick and Aaron came into our room.

"Hey, you guys wanna grab a bite to eat?" Nick asked.

"Sure" Me and Zak said.

We walked to a little cafe and got some food and starting eating.

"So, Charlie, do you believe in ghosts?" Aaron asked

"Yeah I believe in ghosts, last year I had an experience, wasn't much" I said.

"Care to share?" Nick asked.

"Sure, it had snowed and we left school early, I went home and I was changing out of my uniform, I felt a hand touch the back right of my head, obviously I jumped, nobody was behind me, nothing was there. That's my only experience, not much but it was something (this actually did happen to me for real, but I was at a friends, not home).

"Wow, that's actually quite good" Zak said.


Thanks for reading guys...I am actually from England but I am trying to have the crew in sort of an american way the best i can...just putting that out there....and yh that experience with the hand touching her head actually did happen to friend was there and looked very confused at my reaction lol

Also if you haven't read jazziejelly's two really should...the may not be based on what i write...but they are really good and im sure you guys will like them...

Again thanks for reading...and have more chapters to put up and i look forward to putting them up!! :)

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