Chapter 39- School

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"Charlie, time to get up, you've got half an hour" Zak says waking me up as he sits on my bed.

"Alright alarm clock I'm up, do I have to go in today? Like really have to?" I ask hinting that I don't want to.

"I'm afraid you do sweetie, but it'll be the end of the day before you know it" He says and stands up.

"Fine, but I'll hold you responsible for any broken eyes and black noses I give to that cow if she annoy me" I say.

"I think you mean black eyes and broken noses" He says chuckling.

"I know, it's early and I've just woken up" I point out.

"Anyway, get dressed, Aaron will be here soon" He says and leaves my room. I get dressed in a plain black t-shirt and hoodie with some dark blue baggy jeans and my trainers. I brush my hair and teeth and go downstairs to the kitchen and find my breakfast on the table. I go to tuck in when I'm stopped.

"Not before you take your tablets" He says giving me them to take. I glare at him and take them.

"Now can I eat my breakfast?" I ask sarcastically. He just nods yes and I eat up. When I'm finished I put my plate on the side.

"Go sort your bag, Aaron will be here with the boys in 10 minutes" He says.

"How do you know he'll be here in exactly 10 minutes?" I ask being a smartass, well nobody can know when exactly they'll get somewhere.

"Cause he just text me saying he will be 10 minutes" He answers. I pack my bag with the books and crap I think I'll need.

"All ready" I tell him.

"Got your Math and English book, your pens and pencils and homework that's due today?" He asks.

"Check, check, check, check" I answer.

"That's only 4 out of 5 checks" He points out.

"I don't have any homework due today" I inform him. Aaron arrives and I say bye to Zak.

"Have a good day sweetie" He says as we leave. Soon we get to school.

"Have a good day guys, and stick together" Aaron says and leaves.

"Ok, what are our first lessons?" Rhydian asks me and Tommy.

"I have Maths and Science before first break" Tommy says.

"And I have Sport and History first" I say looking at my timetable.

"I have the same as you Charlie" Rhydian says.

"I'll meet you guys at first break, I gotta find Maths" Tommy says and leaves us.

"I hope he'll be ok with his classes and making friends" Rhyd says.

"Same, but we better get going bro so we're not late, we gotta put up with the cow" I say and we find Sport, we get changed, obviously I go to the girls changing and Rhyd goes to the boys ones but we have mixed gendered sport class today, we only do our own gender class if the boys wanna do an intense game like Rugby or Football or Soccer as it's called, we can play rounders, tennis and badminton together and any sports games that are appropriate for both genders. I find Rhyd and then we go and find Mark, Alex, Ashlee and Danielle.

"I see Mark and Alex" Rhyd says and we go to them.

"Hey you two" Mark says.

"Hey, where's Danielle and Ashlee, have they got different classes?" I ask.

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