Chapter 68- Welcome, I think

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"Charlie, just a thought, does Alex know this address?" Zak asks me while we watch Ghost Adventures, we're sat in the living room, I'm laid across the sofa with my legs resting over Zaks lap, he called me cheeky for it but he doesn't mind it really.

"Crap, no, I don't think so, I'll text him" I say. I get my phone.

'Hey Alex, my dad just reminded me that you don't know our address' I send.

'Oh yeah, I didn't remember either, what is it?' He replies. I text him the address and then carry on watching Ghost Adventures.

"All done?" Zak asks me.

"Yep, he knows where he's going now" I say.

"Will he be staying for dinner?" He asks.

"I dunno, probably" I say.

"Do you by any chance know what he likes to eat, just in case?" He asks.

"Not exactly, we can ask when he gets here" I say. Zak randomly gets up throwing my feet off his lap and onto the floor and leaves the room. "Ok bye" I say quietly to myself. Did I say something? He doesn't seem happy. I decide to go and find him. "Dad?" I call, no answer. That's strange, he always answers back. "Dad, where are you?" I ask getting worried, he's still not healed from the incident. I start looking around the house, something tells me to look in the garage so I go in there. When I get to the garage I see him punching the wall. "Dad, what are you doing?" I ask a bit shocked.

"Charlie, leave me alone" He says in a pissed off tone.

"Dad" I say confused.

"LEAVE ME ALONE CHARLIE" He shouts and then sighs. "Please could you just go away for a minute, I'll come and find you" He says. Not once has he looked up at me, just the floor and the holes in the wall he's made.

"Ok, ok, I'll go wait for Alex" I say and walk away. What just happened? Why is he punching walls and shouting at me for no reason?

"ARGGHHHH" I hear Zak yell. Something isn't right with him, he doesn't just get annoyed randomly like this. After about 10 minutes he comes and finds me in my room. "Charlie, sweetie" He says as he comes into my room.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What are you doing up here?" He asks.

"Well this is my room, plus you said to leave you alone, in an angry tone, so I'm leaving you alone by being in my room, now you got the whole house to be alone in" I say.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, one minute I was absolutely fine, the next I felt extremely angry, that's why I went, I needed to let my anger out and I didn't wanna hurt you, I don't know what happened" He explains as he sits on my bed.

"It's ok, just as long as you don't do that while Alex is here" I say.

"If you keep mentioning that kid I'm gonna stop you guys seeing each other at school, I have to protect you" He says in an annoyed tone at random.

"What? Dad what are you talking about? You were fine with him like 15 minutes ago" I point out confused.

"What? I am fine with him, I don't know why I'm saying this stuff" He says sounding confused.

"Dad, are you ok?" I ask.

"I'm fine, I feel fine at the moment, doctors said I'm ok" He says.

"I'm not talking about the doctors though, are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm fine, stop asking" He says. He's acting so strange.

"Ooook" I say a little unsure. He gets up and leaves my room without saying another word. A couple of hours have gone by and Alex should be on his way from school now, Zak is still acting strange, he's getting angry for no reason and hitting things, shouting, but not hurting me, and when I ask if he's ok, he's happy and normal again, assuring me he's fine, but I don't think he is.

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