Chapter 47- England investigation Part 1

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We sign into the hotel and sort out our rooms, it's Rhydians turn to share with Nick as Tommy was last time, this time they didn't have a fight over it all, thankfully. I follow Zak into our room, it looks beautiful! Two double beds with black and white sheets, a nice, fairly big bathroom and a kitchen possible half the size of the bathroom, it also has some nice little chocolates and crisps on a table, and a huge window, I go over to the window and put my bag on my bed on the way, I look to see the nice view, it looks amazing! I look around and see a park, school, supermarkets, and hundreds of houses, then I spot the one me and the boys used to live at, well it isn't exactly a house, it's like small flats, the one that we're investigating is the ground floor but it's a pretty big flat, I mean 3 big bedrooms, a living room the size of two bedrooms, the kitchen 3/4 of the living room and bathroom is half the size of a bedroom, I'm not looking forward to it at all, but we'll survive.

"Charlie, you ok?" Zak asks as he approaches the window with me.

"Yeah I'm fine, that house over there" I start and point to the flats, well I pointed at the window. "That's the one we're investigating" I tell him.

"Wow, it's smaller than I thought it would be" He says.

"Well, it's not the entire building, it's the ground floor but it's quite big inside" I tell him.

"Come on, let's find the guys, they're playing pool, we'll have a game or two, have a look around and get some dinner, then it'll be bed time for us all, jetlag will catch up with us" Zak says. We find the guys, play some pool, I win a couple of times against Zak but I don't exactly know how to play it so I think he let me win, Rhydian on the other hand made me, Nick and Tommy look terrible, he's really good. We have a look around the building and find the swimming pool, it's like one you would find in a leisure centre, indoors, huge, fun. Then we get some dinner, we were all treated with a McDonalds which Zak, Nick and Aaron paid for between themselves, before we know it, it's late, pretty much 11pm late, which back home in Vegas it would be around 3-4pm which is what we're used to, but we're all knackered so I think we'll be fine.

"I'm so tired" I say yawning.

"Same, it's been a long day" Nick says, you can see he's trying to hold back his yawn.

"Alright everyone, I think it's safe to call it a night, we've got 4 interviews tomorrow and a bit of prepping to do" Zak says. We all say our goodnights, me and Zak take it in turns to use the bathroom to put our pj's on, I'm laid on my bed ready to sleep when I hear the bathroom door unlock, I look up and watch Zak come out, in pj bottoms.. And shirtless.

"Where's your top?" I ask as I watch him sit on his bed.

"I don't wear one in bed" He says. Oh.

"But we're in a hotel, I've always seen you wear a top" I say as he gets proper into his bed.

"I know, but at home I tend to sleep without one on, too used to it, if I get cold I'll put one on" He says and rests his head on his pillow.

"Ok then" Is all I say.

"Sleep time, night, love ya" He says.

"Night, you too" I reply and am asleep like a light being switched off.

"Charlie, time to wake up now" I hear someone say as I feel something rubbing my arm, I open my eyes to see Zak sat on my bed.

"Really? That felt like I only just fell asleep, few more minutes?" I ask.

"Sorry sweetie, it's already late enough, we got work to do, now go get dressed and I'll make you something to eat" He says and goes off. I get up and dressed and go to the table to find pancakes, and next to my pancakes are my tablets, I don't hesitate as I take my tablets, even though I still hate them, I get on and eat my pancakes.

"When are we leaving for the interviews?" I ask as I stuff some pancake into my mouth.

"As soon as you're done, the guys are waiting" He answers.

"Jeez, why didn't you tell me you are all waiting on me?" I ask as I start eating quickly.

"Cause Nick only just text me, I told him we'll be 5 minutes" He says. Within 30 seconds my pancakes are gone and we leave to meet the guys. Nick drives us to our location and we see the couple waiting.

"Are we late?" Rhydian asks.

"No, they're early" Nick answers.

"No worries, let's get cameras rolling and start the interviews" Zak orders. Aaron and Nick get their two cameras out and start filming Zak.

"Hi, Mr Bagans isn't it?" The lady asks as she and Zak shake hands.

"Yeah, call me Zak though, you're Ellie, right?" Zaks asks.

"I am indeed" She answers.

"Ok, so, can you tell me what you've experienced while living here?" Zak asks. I notice how her face goes from being happy to meet us all, to being pretty scared. Oh 'father', what have you done? You've only been dead, what, 6 months?

"I don't know where to start, I'm literally terrified, not for me, but for my husband and my two kids, mainly my kids" She says sounding as if she's ready to cry.


Next update, I know it's quite short but the next few chapters will get exciting (hopefully)....

I did try earlier to update my Teachers Love story TWICE but something was wrong with wattpad and it didn't allow me to publish it and when I tried to sort it out I saw it only saved half the chapter so I gave up, but I will try to update it again tomorrow if I get a spare hour to type it.. If not I will try Sunday or Monday to update it and I'll probably end up updating this story as well to be honest..

Have a good evening/day/morning etc wherever you are in the world :P, it's pretty much midnight in UK now so I'm going to bed.. Night all!!

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