Chapter 25- Back home to Las Vegas

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The alarm went off at 7am but I tried to ignore it by turning it off and having a few minutes more sleep.

"Oh no you don't, Charlie get your fat ass outta that bed now" Zak said getting out of bed.

"Nooo, just 10 minutes more" I said deciding.

"No, besides I need someone to talk to while doing my hair" Zak said.

"Get one of the guys- wait! Did you just say I have a fat ass? Cause I don't" I said, and seeing as my eyes were open I got up ans dressed.

"We gotta be at the airport by 9" Zak told me while doing his hair.

"I know, you told me, I'm gonna make sure the guys are up seeing as I'm ready" I said.

"Ok, don't be too long cause you gotta pack" Zak said. I went to Aaron's room and knocked.

"Aaron, Tommy you up? I asked quietly shouting as others may be asleep.

"Yeah we're up but getting dressed" Someone shouted, sounded like Aaron.

"Ok, I'm gonna make sure Uncle Nick and Rhyd are up" I said walking off. "Uncle Nick, Rhyd, you up?" I quietly shouted while knocking.

"Shit! Yeah, we are now, thanks Charlie" Nick said, I knew it was him by the tone and swearing.

"Good, so I'm your alarm clock now" I said laughing. I went back of mine and Zak's room. "You nearly done? I need to use the bathroom, not urgent" I said.

"Yeah, nearly" I heard Zak yell.

"Good!" I said, I waited about 5 minutes until Zak finially came out with his Zak-fin.

"It's free" He said. I ran in.

"Thanks beauty queen" I sarcastically said and shut the door and looked it. I used the toilet and then brushed my hair and teeth and went back out to a joking confused Zak. "What?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Did you just call queen?" He asked chuckling.

"Hell yeah, cause girls worry about hair" I replied sarcastically. He accepted it going alone with the joke.

We met with everyone with our luggage, and got Aaron's coffee as he was moaning for it and went to the airport and got there for 8:45am.

"Now we just gotta sit here till our flight is called" Rhydian said.

"Yup, for about 2 hours?" I asked.

"Yeah about that" Zak said. Soon we were called to our flight and we handed our tickets and got on the plane. I was sat between Nick and Zak and infront of us was Aaron and the boys. And we took off back home.

"Now to wait till we land back home" Aaron said.

"Yep and I have Annabelle from the weekend till the next weekend" Nick said excited. "I haven't seen her for a little while".

"That's awesome bro, these guys finally get to meet her" Zak said, he's like an Uncle to her, so is Aaron so she's like our cousin. I don't know if we have biological cousins we don't think we do.

"She's adorable, you'll love her" Aaron said.

"Sweet, anyway I'm gonna get some sleep" I said yawning. I put my head on Zak's shoulder and nodded off. I woke up about an hour or so later with my head on Nick's shoulder. "Ohh sorry Uncle Nick" I said embarrassed.

"No it's fine, don't worry, I don't mind, it's kinda sweet, Annabelle does that, well we watch tv and she nods off with her head on my lap" Nick said and I chuckled.

"I can't wait to meet her, my cousin, I love kids" I said smiling. "Ever need a babysitter, I'll be happy to".

"Thanks, maybe we'll see what happens" Nick said.

"How long we got till landing?" I asked.

"About 45 minutes ish, not long" Nick answered, I looked to see the guys asleep, 'I guess I'm stuck with Nick' I thought and laughed to myself.

"What, what's funny?" Nick asked chuckling.

"Err, nothing, are you planning on sleeping?" I asked hoping for a no.

"Well if you're staying up I'll keep you company, plus there's not really much point with 45 minutes till landing" He replied.

"Cool" I said smiling. We talked the lockdown, made jokes about the future which was random. Nick is a really nice guysm I don't know why I haven't spoken to him much.

"Come on, let's wake them up, we're landing in a few minutes" Nick said, he woke up Zak and Tommy while I leant forward and woke Aaron and Rhydian up.

"Guys, we're landing any minute now so get ready" I said.

"Alright, sweet" Aaron said stretching. Soon we were off the plane and driving home.

"Charlie, how long were you awake with Nick for?" Zak asked.

"Only about 45 minutes or so, we couldn't sleep so we talked" I said smiling.

"Talked? About what?" Zak asked. Aaron and the boys were listening and Nick was driving Zak in the passenher and me next to my brothers in the middle row ans Aaron at the back.

"Only about the lockdown really" Nick said confused.

"Oh right, nothing about the next few weeks then" Zak said kind of asking.

"No, why?" I askes confused.

"No reason" Zak said hiding something . 'Why would he ask that unless he was hiding something? Mine and Rhydian's 15th birthday is in 2 weeks, does that have something to do with what he is hiding? Nevermind' I thought to myself.

"We're back home" Nick said pulling up in his drive, we are walking distance to our house's so it didn't matter.


Hey has nearly been a week since I updated I know...I am trying to get some ideas for writing my next has been busy and part bad but nevermind.

Thanks for nearly 2K reads...that is amazing...please keep reading and voting and commenting as it means alot.

I am probably gonna end up doing one update a week or something seeing as I am kinda doing that not forget to follow me on Instagram and Twitter I put my info on my last chapter...

Thanks again and yh I'll update soon :)

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