Chapter 10- Going to our new home

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Me and my brothers have just been adopted by Zak and Aaron. Zak is now my dad, Aaron is now Rhydian and Tommy's dad. Nick already has a daughter called Annabelle, but he unfortunately divorced his wife about a year ago, Annabelle sees Nick most weekends, unless he's away with the team. We are now all flying back to Las Vegas, to our new homes.

On the plane

"You excited?" I asked my brother excitedly

"Oh yeah, so excited" Tommy replied

"Why would't we be, first time flying and to Las Vegas where we're gonna live with three awesome guys" Rhydian replied with a 'Duh' face

We all laughed

"Hey, sorry I kinda forgot you had brothers, forgive me but I thought they died with your parents" Zak whispered to me.

"It's ok, besides, I didn't tell you about them surviving so how were you supposed to know. Hey at least you guys saved our lives, that place was terrifying, but now we're going to a better home, thank you" I told Zak hugging him at the end

You are welcome, by the way, you name now is either Charlie Drake-Bagans or Charlie Goodwin-Bagans, due to Aaron being your brothers father" He said proudly and then kissing my forehead

Aaron's POV

'I am so proud to finally call myself a father, to my two new sons Rhydian and Tommy, they are a bit shy, but I don't blame them for what they have been through' I thought to myself

"Hey boys, boys so are you excited to go to your new home with me?" I asked trying to make a conversation

"Yeah, I can't wait, we can't wait" Rhydian said

"That's awesome, and don't worry about Charlie, you'll see her everyday, they only live across the street from us. We all live on the same street" I assured them

"Awesome, thanks" Tommy said

"If you want, you can call me dad, I don't mind" I said "And your names are now either Tommy and Rhydian Bagans-Goodwin or Tommy and Rhydian Drake-Goodwin." I told them. The boys looked at each other and smiled.

"I think we're gonna be Bagans-Goodwin and get rid of 'Drake', that was our fathers name so...yeah...goodbye 'Drake'." Rhydian said with a face saying 'and yes we're sure'. Tommy smiled

"Alright boys, Zak, Nick" I called and they looked. "Meet my two sons, Tommy ans Rhydian Bagans-Goodwin' I said proudly

"Yeah and meet my daughter, Charlie Goodwin-Bagans" Zak said proudly. We all laughed and shook hands. "Nice to meet you" We said.

Zak's POV

'I'm very happy to be Charlie's dad, she and her brothers and mum didn't deserve to be abused, I feel terrible that their mum died. I'll do my very best to be a great dad to Charlie for her and her brothers and mum. She has nothing to be scared of now!" I thought to myself

"So Charlie, are you happy that I'm your new dad? Oh and I don't mind if you call me dad or just Zak" I said putting my arm around her shoulders

"Yeah, I can't wait for my future with you da- Zak" She said

"You can call me dad if you want" I said

"" She said hugging me

"Don't worry about your brothers, they are in safe hands, I may sound crazy but I trust Aaron and Nick with my life." I said chuckling. "And you'll see Tommy and Rhydian everyday, and you might be able to have sleep overs with them" I said winiing at her

"Thanks so much" She said

After a little while, me and Charlie fell asleep hugging each other for the rest of the flight, until we landed.

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