Chapter 85- Breaking the news

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"Charlie wake up kiddo" I hear as I'm woken up, I slowly open my eyes, looking around and recognising where I am, Ghost Adventures office, I look and see Aaron, he woke me up.

"I'm awake, how long have I been sleeping?" I ask rubbing my eyes, I sit up and Aaron makes sure I'm ok.

"Few hours, we're going home soon, Zak's just gone to the men's room, he told me to get you up" He says.

"Fair enough, I'm up" I say.

"Hey sweetie, how was your sleep?" Zak asks as he walks in and comes over to me.

"Well, I feel tired now cause I was woken up, but I slept without waking up which was good" I say.

"Ok, are we all set to go?" Nick asks.

"Yeah, let me just help Charlie up" Zak says. I take the blanket off me and hand it to Nick who deals with it, Zak helps me up and I get the crutches.

"Dad, I can manage, I just gotta go slow" I say.

"Ok, ok, just take it easy, you're doing good" He says, he grabs our stuff and we leave, it takes us about 10 minutes I'd guess to get to the car, Zak sorts the car out while I just wait for him, Aaron and Nick are going to meet us at home, Aaron has to go pick up my brothers from school first, and then Jess, Caleb and Joe will be over. Zak gets in and starts driving. Soon we are home and Nick is there waiting for us, we get in the house.

"Now we just gotta wait for the others, they shouldn't be long, it's 3:45 now so they should be here soon" Nick says.

"You two want a drink?" Zak asks.

"No I'm good, thanks" Nick says.

"Charlie?" Zak asks, I shake my head no, we decide to sit and watch TV while we wait.

"Hello? Cars are in the drive so someone must be here" We hear Aarons voice.

"In the living room bro" Zak says.

"Hey Charlie" Tommy says.

"Hi people" Rhyd says.

"Hey guys" I say.

"Sup fellas" Nick says.

"How was school?" Zak asks.

"Boring but whatever, when's Charlie gonna be back?" Rhyd asks.

"Not for a couple weeks yet, she's still recovering" Zak says.

"Dad, I'll be fine to go back to school, I dunno, next week, I'm taking things easy, I'm practically walking without assistance, just the crutches, I need to learn, not that I want to, but I wanna see my friends" I say.

"I said that your friends can come over and see you, I'll think about it" Zak says.

"Wait, so we can invite them over?" Tommy asks.

"If you want to, sure" Zak says.

"Dani's baby bump is getting huge now, she must be near 5 months now at least" Rhyd says.

"Wow, has she found out the gender or anything?" I ask.

"Not yet, I think she and Mark are thinking about whether they want to know, they have an appointment at some point, not sure when" Rhyd says.

"They asked me if Charlie would be able to be godmother, or if not, I could be godfather, we gotta think about that" Zak says to me.

"I wanna consider it, but cause I'm young, I might not be able to, so if I can't, will you consider doing it?" I ask.

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