Chapter 75- Would I cope?

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Zak's POV

I just called Aaron and let him know that Charlie has been found, he's on his way over with the others now, at the moment I'm sat by Charlie's side, Caleb just went to get me and Joe a drink.

"Zak, isn't Caleb from New York, that's 3 hours away, how come he's here in Vegas?" Joe asks as I stare at Charlie's peaceful yet looking lifeless body.

"I dunno Joe, you'll have to ask when he gets back" I say quietly. It's only been a few hours since we found Charlie, and I can't stop thinking that she may not make it, what if we hadn't found her, this is my fault, if I didn't let her go to Devons that night then she would be at home now, happy and healthy.

"Ok guys, a tea for Joe, water for you Zak, and cause I'm off shift, I've got myself a coffee" Caleb says as he gets back with drinks.

"Thanks man, you don't have to stay if your shift is over" I say and put my water on the table.

"It's cool, I'll leave in a bit anyway, I can keep an eye on her while the doctors are doing other things" He says as he sits.

"How come when we first met you, you were in New York, and now you're here working in Vegas, we're 3 hours away from New York" Joe asks.

"Me and my sister got a transfer, we pretty much stick together, we decided to move here to Vegas, she wants to be closer to Aaron, and I have nothing in New York, all I've got at the moment is my sister and niece, so we transferred here" Caleb explains.

"What about your mom and dad, your nieces dad?" Joe asks.

"Mom and dad live in California, we don't see them much, and my nieces dad lives just out of town, not far from where you guys found Charlie actually" Caleb says.

"Zak? Joe?" I hear, I look up and see Aaron with the boys, Nick must have his daughter and decided to stay home with her.

"Hey guys" I say.

"Stupid question but how's she doing?" Aaron asks.

"She's stable, just in a coma, I'm afraid she may not make it, but hopefully she will" Caleb tells them.

"How come you're here Caleb, and not in New York?" Aaron asks him.

"Me and Jess decided to move here, we managed to transfer here, she wants to surprise you so when she contacts you, be surprised and happy, I didn't say anything" Caleb says.

"Please be ok Charlie" Tommy says as he holds her hand.

"Tommy, she's a fighter, she had 27 seizures and just about survived, Caleb told me earlier that people don't make it to that many, keep hoping" I say.

"I wish it was me in that bed" Rhydian says.

"No Rhydian, don't wish that, please never wish that, this isn't your fault, this isn't anybodies fault, I'm glad you're not laying in that bed, I wish Charlie wasn't" Aaron says. I'm trying to stay quiet, right now I wanna cry like there's no tomorrow, punch the walls, kill Devon, I wanna scream, I'm in so much pain in my heart right now, I don't know what to do for the best, but I do know that I've gotta stay strong for Charlie, I've gotta be here for when she wakes up, I'll be the first person she wants to see.

"Zak bro are you ok?" Aaron asks. He did not serious just ask me that?!

"Yeah bro I'm great, couldn't be better, my daughter is laying in this bed in a coma, there's nothing I can do to help her, she might not make it, I'm blaming myself for what Devon has done, thinking why didn't I think he would do this, why did I let her go to his in the first place, but yeah I am f-bloody fantastic" I say louder and louder.

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