Chapter 54- Things are getting better

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Last night was fun, we got Chinese takeaway for dinner, Joe offered to pay half towards it but the guys wouldn't let him, we watched a movie and then it got really late, like 10:45pm late and Joe went home and we all went to bed, it had been a busy few days. Now I'm at school, about to go into the last lesson which is Sports with Mr Davies, but we're not gonna be playing Sports today, we're just in the classroom, by what I can see on an already prepared whiteboard, we are learning about the human body, kinda boring and we're not in the room yet.

"Ok guys and girls, come in and take a seat, you have a worksheet on your tables for you to complete in the next 15 minutes" Mr Davies says. One by one we walk into the room.

"Afternoon sir" I say as I walk past him.

"Afternoon Charlie" He answers. I take my seat and see the worksheet is asking me to label as many body organs as I can think of, doesn't seem too hard, hearts, lungs, liver, kidneys, intestines (small and large) bowel, gallbladder, bladder, brain, muscles, etc. Next it asks me to name the largest living external organ your body has, let's see your heart, lungs, lungs are quite large and they help you live, I get the feeling that's not the write answer. I look around the room and notice a poster about a bodies organs, it has skin on it, screw it, I'm writing skin.

"Done sir" Someone shouts.

"Ok everyone pens down, lets go over the answers, body organs are, lungs, brain, heart, pancreas, gallbladder, bladder, both intestines, liver, kidneys, veins, arteries, pretty much everything cause it all has a job to help keep us alive, next question is name the largest living external organ, does anybody think they know?" Mr Davies asks the class, a few hands go up.

"The lungs?" A guy asks.

"Wrong, but nice try" Mr Davies says.

"Liver?" A girl asks.

"Firstly the liver and lungs are internal, not external, internal is inside the body, external is outside, secondly the liver is in fact the largest internal living organ as it can re-grow, but that's not the answer I'm looking for" Mr Davies says.

"The skin" I say quietly.

"What was that Charlie?" He asks, ok maybe not quietly.

"It's nothing sir, a stupid answer" I say.

"No, if I heard what I think I heard then it wasn't a stupid answer" He says. Ok then?

"I said skin" I say again.

"That is correct, it seems strange but your skin re-grows all the time, whenever you cut yourself, over time it repairs itself, and it covers your insides like a coat keeping it all contained, therefore it's the largest external organ" He explains. Fair enough. We get on with the lesson and soon the end of school bell goes, I stay behind even though Zak will be waiting outside.

"Good lesson" I say after everyone leaves, Joe looks up at me as he clears the tables.

"Thanks, you did great too, I didn't think anyone could get that external organ answer, but you did" He points out.

"It was more of a guess really" I admit.

"A good guess, anyway what's up? Isn't Zak gonna be waiting for you?" He asks.

"Yeah he will be but I wanted to invite you over to ours again on Saturday for the day, get to know you and you to know us a bit more over some fun in the swimming pool or playing pool?" I ask.

"Is Zak ok with it?" He asks.

"Not yet, I've only just thought of the idea, I'm sure he'll be fine with it though, I think everyone wants to get to know you more, we only know your childhood, you know" I say and he thinks about it.

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