Chapter 65- Is Zak Ok?

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"What about Zak? Is he ok? Can we see him?" Nick asks.

"Please, is my dad ok?" I ask on the verge of tears.

"Due to him being asthmatic, he is struggling to breathe, even with the oxygen because of the beating he took" The doctor explains.

"What does that mean? Is he gonna die? Because of me?" Joe asks.

"No, he isn't gonna die because of you" The doctor says.

"What so he could die?" Aaron asks.

"He could have, but he isn't going to, not this time" Doctor explains. We all breathe a sigh of relief.

"Is he conscious or what? Can we see him?" Tommy asks.

"He's actually been asking for you, just like I said he's struggling with breath a bit cause of his asthma so he may talk weirdly" Doctor says. Me and Rhydian go and see Zak.

"Knock knock" I say as we walk in.

"Charlie, Rhydian, thank god you two are ok, how is everyone else?" Zak asks while taking breaths when in the middle of talking.

"Joe is ok, he's awake now, he knows what happened, Rhydian is ok too, everyone else was unharmed" I explain.

"You were hurt Rhyd?" Zak asks.

"Yeah but I was fine, he pinned me against the wall and strangled me so I couldn't breathe, I was in shock so I didn't realise that I wasn't completely fine but I'm fixed up now" Rhydian explains.

"At least you're ok, and Joe?" Zak asks.

"Billy had to hit him to get him off Rhyd, he didn't mean to knock him out, but he's awake now" I explain.

"I'm sure he understands, and is probably, grateful for it" Zak says. Suddenly he starts taking deeper breaths, like he's fighting to breathe.

"Dad are you ok?" I ask as his machine starts beeping.

"I'm really struggling to breathe" He says clutching his chest and trying to breath. The doctor comes in an ups his oxygen to help him breathe.

"You feel any better now?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's helping, I'll be ok sweetie" He says.

"Well, the lockdown went well" I say sarcastically making him chuckle.

"It can still be an episode though, we'll just have to explain why wee couldn't complete it" Zak says.

"Is that what you want? People to see Joe being possessed and attacking us?" I ask a little unsure.

"Yeah, we got what Billy did as well, plus it'll show people how dangerous what we do can really be" He explains.

"Joe is really sorry for what happened" Rhydian says.

"It wasn't his fault, it's happened to us all, well, except you and Tommy, I'm not mad at him" Zak says. A doctor comes in and checks Zak's monitors.

"Doc, is my dad going to be ok?" I ask.

"He's not out of the woods yet, his breathing is still a struggle for him, he has only just woken up, but I think he'll be just fine" The doc answers.

"Thanks doctor, I feel fine, so can I be discharged as soon as I am fit enough please?" Zak asks.

"Dad, don't rush your recovery, we're not in a rush to get back home, plus I don't think Joe will be back to school next week, he's as banged up as you" I say.

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