Chapter 55- Fun

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For once I'm having a good dream, everyone is happy, and even Joe is in this dream, we're all laughing and having a good time, like a family should. I feel my shoulder being nudged which pulls me out of my dream and I wake up.

"Morning sweetie, you need to get up, the guys and Joe will be here in a couple of hours" Zak says and leaves. I get out of bed to get dressed and I notice blood all over my bottoms, I look and see blood on my bed sheet, then I feel something horrible, something wet leaking from me, I'm bleeding to death, blood everywhere, what's happened?

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I scream. I hear fast and heavy footsteps running up the stairs as Zak rushes to my room.

"Charlie, are you ok? What's happened?" He asks panicked.

"Look, I'm bleeding to death, blood all over my bed sheet and my bottoms" I say as he look at my bed sheet and bottoms.

"Err, do you know where it's coming from?" He asks.

"Down below, I feel like I'm wetting myself" I explain.

"Charlie, you've never had this before, right?" He asks seeming a little uneasy and confused.

"No, I haven't had this before, and I feel like I've been shot in my lower back and stomach" I say as pain shoots through my back and stomach.

"Umm, I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure I know what's going on" He says as he takes my bed sheet off. Then a light bulb switches on in my head.

"Oh no, I've officially become a young lady haven't I?" I ask to be sure.

"Yeah, as they would say in the olden day, your red flower is blossoming" He says.

"You're weird dad" I say laughing at his comment.

"I know I am, take your pj's off and get in the shower, I'll deal with the pj's, you get yourself cleaned" He says.

"Ok, but I ain't stuffing toilet paper down there, I need some pads" I point out.

"Well, while you shower, I'll run to the shops and get you some pads and painkillers, now get in the bathroom and wash" He says. I go in the bathroom and get undressed and in the shower, this is disgusting, guys are so lucky they don't have this, I hate it already and it's only just started. Zak and the guys better prepare themselves for mood swings, although I hope I don't get an attitude. I finish in the shower and go to get dressed, I find pads on my bed, and my bed and a new blood free sheet on, I love my dad. I get dressed and put a pad on. That feels better, weird cause I'm wearing a pad now, but better. I go downstairs and find Zak.

"Thanks dad, I feel better already" I tell him.

"Here take these" He says handing me some tablets, my medication and two other tablets, I give him a weird look. "Don't worry, I'm not overdosing you, painkillers for your shot back and stomach" He reminds me, I take them and eat some toast, is it normal to not feel very hungry while I'm on?

"I don't think I've ever been not hungry before" I say.

"That's normal, you can feel not hungry, starving, normal, you can have an attitude or be ok, have weird cravings-" I cut him off.

"Wait, how do you know all this? Are you secretly a girl or something?" I ask, joking about him being a girl which thankfully makes him laugh.

"No, firstly every guy knows about a girls time of the month, but don't forget I grew up with a sister and a mother" He reminds me.

"Course, I've never met your sister, you have a niece and nephew too right?" I ask.

"Yeah I do, and you met them once, yours and Rhydians birthday party, they just stayed quiet" He reminds me. "Anyway, take these up to your room" He says giving me some, clothes?

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