Chapter 56- Phew! Nearly

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We all run over to where Tommy has fallen in, Zak and Aaron getting ready to jump in for him seeing as he still can't swim but Joe doesn't know that.

"Why are you guys getting ready to jump in for him?" Joe asks confused.

"Tommy can't swim, we had an incident in Australia" I tell him causing him to get ready to jump in too. Nick comes running out of the house wondering what's happened and sees us all by the pool, just as Joe, Zak and Aaron are about to jump in Tommy manages to get his head above the water, gasping for air, the guys pull him out.

"Are you ok Tommy?" Joe asks as Tommy soaks the 3 of them.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going" Aaron says feeling guilty.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, you don't have to bring me back to life again" Tommy says.

"Thank god" Zak says, remember Zak did CPR on Tommy when he nearly drowned in Australia.

"Wait, what is he talking about you bringing him back to life?" Joe asks confused.

"Let's just make sure Tommy is absolutely fine first" Aaron says.

"Dad I'm fine, seriously, I wasn't even under for that long, and I got myself up" Tommy says. "Next time I'll push you in and react the same way you are now, you'll say you're fine" He says.

"You're fine little man" Zak says chuckling as he ruffles Tommy's hair.

"I feel so bad son, I'm so sorry" Aaron says giving him a hug.

"It's fine dad, I'm fine, accidents happen, I just need to learn to swim" He says.

"I could teach you buddy" Joe offers.

"Yeah, cool" Tommy says excitedly.

"If it's ok with your dad and Zak though" Joe says.

"Yep that's absolutely fine" Zak says.

"I'm cool with it, just don't kill my son, or I'll, I'll, I actually don't know what I'd do" Aaron says thinking about it making us laugh.

"I won't kill my little half brother Aaron, I promise" Joe says.

"Glad to hear it" Aaron says.

"Anyway. what are you guys talking about, some accident and bringing Tommy back to life?" Joe asks still curious.

"About that, I month or two ago we all went to Australia for a lockdown, when we got there the heat took us by surprise so we decided to hit the beach" Nick starts.

"We were playing, everything was absolutely fine and perfect until" Rhydian continues.

"Until I remembered that Tommy can't swim, and it was then that we could find him" I say.

"I noticed him in the water, not moving so I got to him as quick as I could and pulled him out, he didn't regain consciousness and had no pulse so I did CPR on him while Aaron called for an ambulance, I managed to get him back after a few minutes, and he was given the all clear from the doctor" Zak finishes.

"Well damn, thank god he's ok" Joe says. "That's all you needed, to lose a child, and it wouldn't have been a good start for our reunion, 'hi I'm your half brother', 'hi I'm Charlie, you have two half brothers, ones my twin and the other died from drowning', it wouldn't have been good" Joe says.

"Well I wouldn't have given up on him easily, even if it meant I did CPR on him for hours and hours" Zak says.

"Anyway, let's not think about that anymore, why don't we have some grub and then later on we can go in the pool" Nick says as he looks back to make sure Annabelle is ok, and her eyes are glued on the TV still.

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