Chapter 15- My first morning with new family at home

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I woke up a few hours later and Zak wasn't in the room, I heard things being moved and that downstairs. I got up checked the time and it was almost 10am. I got out a black t-shirt which read 'I <3 Ghost Adventures' and a pair of dark ish blue jeans and took them to the bathroom to get changed. I got changed out of yesterdays clothes that I slept in and into the t-shirt and jeans and brushed my hair and teeth and gave my face a little wash as I had sweat during the night, I found some deodorant and sprayed it on me 'I don't think Zak will mind' I thought to myself. After I finished getting dressed I went down stairs.

"Zak" I called him.

"In the kitchen honey" I shouted. I went to the kitchen.

"Morning Zak" I said.

"Morning princess" He replied.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Pancakes" He answered.

"Pancakes are one of my face things to eat, but I don't have them much" I said.

"Well, now you can have them more often" He said handing me a plate of pancakes. "Did you sleep better after your nightmare?"

"Yeah, I did, thanks for staying with me dad" I said smiling.

"It's ok, anything for you honey" He said smiling back, we started eating our pancakes.

"So what are the plans for today dad?" I asked interested.

"Well, after we have eaten, you need to take your medicine, then in about 10 minutes, Nick, Aaron and the boys are coming over and we're gonna go shopping for your bedroom, clothes and stuff" Zak said finishing his pancakes.

'Great' I thought to myself 'Time for my idea'.

"Err actually dad...I already took my medicine" I lied.

"Oh ok, good girl" Zak said.

I went to watch tv.

Zak's POV

10 minutes later

I saw a medication bag and opened it, Charlie's tablets are in there, the box looks unopen 'That's odd' I thought. I open the box and see that no pills have been taken out. 'She lied? Why would she lie?' I asked myself. I went to ask Charlie about it.

"Hey sweetie, how are your pains?" I asked.

"Still hurts, I don't think the medicine is working to be honest dad" She answered.

"Well maybe it would help if you actually took them" I said to her.

"I did take them dad" She lied.

"Really? Because no tablets have been taken out of this box" I said. She looked at me and then tried to run upstairs but I grabbed her as she got up. "Why did you lie about taking them?" I asked.

"I don't like medicine, never had it before" She said trying to make an escape again but I grabbed her and sat on top of her. I got two pills but I couldn't get them in her mouth.

The guys walked in.

"Guys, give me a hand here" I ordered them. Nick took her arms, Aaron took her legs and the boys stood there laughing. I managed to get her mouth open, put the pills in along with some water and put my hand over her mouth until she swallowed it all.

"That wasn't too hard now was it" I said rhetorically. Charlie gave us all the death glare. "Hey sweetie, it's worth it, before you know it you'll finish the tablets".

"Yeah, I guess so" She said.

Charlie's POV

That was horrible! At least it's only two weeks.

"Anyway, you guys ok?" Nick asked.

"Yeah man, we're cool" Zak answered.

"I'm good Uncle Nick, had a nightmare but I'm fine" I said.

"Wait! So you did have that nightmare" Rhydian asked in a startled tone. "Was it about dad, beating you up, saying that the guys can't protect us, and that you deserve to die?" Rhydian asked.

"Yeah, it was, how did you know Rhyd?" I asked confused.

"I like, sensed it, all of it, as if I was there, but I sensed it when I woke up" Rhydian told us.

"How the hell did you manage that?" I asked surprised.

"Well maybe it has something to do with us being twins" Rhydian pointed out.

"Oh, yeah maybe" I said.

The guys and Tommy were impressed.

"Anyway, why don't we got hit the mall" Nick said.

"Yeah, let's go peeps" Aaron said.

Me and Zak got our trainers and we headed out.

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