Chapter 53- Clearing the air

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"What? Charlie what's going on?" Joe asks me.

"Just tell him everything, Joe, don't worry, he just wants to understand" I say.

"So, Joe, you have some explaining to do, don't you think?" Zak says.

"Charlie, you told me they didn't know" Joe says confused and frustrated.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie, I didn't want to" I admit.

"Joe, Edward, whatever your name is, time to start explaining yourself" Zak says getting impatient.

"It's Joe Mr Bagans, please don't ever call me Edward again" Joe says as more of a demand.

"Just explain Joe" Zak says.

"Ok, but not here, my job is still at risk and I don't want anyone to hear what I say" Joe says nervously.

"Well, where do you wanna talk? Your place?" Zak asks.

"How about yours, it won't seem so weird having a teacher visit their students home as it would having a student in their teachers home" Joe points out.

"Fair point, fine, we'll go to ours, but the others are there so you'll have 6 pairs of ears listening, so even more questions will be going your way" Zak says.

"That's understandable Mr Bagans" Joe says.

"Ok, let's go home then" I say standing up and getting my bag, I leave followed by Zak and Joe, we get into our cars and Joe follows us back home, we all go into the house and are met up with the guys.

"What happened?" Nick asks.

"What did he say?" Tommy asks.

"Did he make sense?" Rhydian asks. Joe soon walks in.

"Hello everyone" Joe says.

"This is Joe?" Aaron asks pointing at him and I nod 'yes'.

"What is he doing here?" Rhydian asks confused.

"Guys, all your questions will be answered soon" I say trying to calm the 20 questions.

"He came here because he didn't wanna explain everything at school and risk being overheard" Zak tells them.

"Take a seat everyone" Nick says eager to get answers. We all sit down and pay our attention to an uncomfortable Joe.

"Take your time Joe" Aaron says trying to help his situation.

"Ok, I guess I'll start where I started with Charlie, my mum died when I was 6 years old, she was stabbed in an alley and died in hospital, Rod was always drunk and abusive to her, I have always thought that Rod was the guy who stabbed her, he never got caught for it though but I'm pretty sure it was him, anyway, after my mum died Rod put me up for adoption, he never wanted me, I was later adopted by a couple, my adoptive father never liked me, he abused me, when I was 17 I studied Sports in College and I applied for and got a place at a University in New York, it was rated the best University in the world, after that I decided to finally tell Susan my adoptive mum about Ross, my adoptive dad seeing as I was leaving anyway, I told Susan about Ross abusing me and had been since I was 7 and I wouldn't put up with it any longer, obviously she didn't believe me and said I was trying to split them up and also trying to make it easier for me to move to New York, yeah I felt bad but only to a point after that, cause they did raise me, well she did, I passed my 2 year course at College and went to New York when I was 18, I got my name changed to Joseph Davies, I studied in New York to be a Sports teacher which was 4 years, after that I decided to stay and do Medical for 3 years, I finished that a year early, when I was 23 last year, I got a job offer to be a teacher here so that's when I moved here, that was within 2 weeks of the job offer, and I obviously accepted the job" Joe finishes explaining, see I told Zak it was a long story, cause his jaw is dropped.

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