Chapter 1- Contest for GAC Lockdown

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I was sat in my room that I share with my brothers, we live in a flat with 3 bedrooms but the third room is full of my dads booze, did I mention that not only does he physically abuse us all, but he sexually abuses my mum and rapes her almost every night, she is made to sleep in the same bed as him, otherwise she'd sleep with us or in our boozey living room. Me and my brothers every night when we hear mum crying over the rape, ask ourselves of we'll ever get raped by him.

Anyway, I was on my phone on the Travel Channel site as Ghost Adventures did lockdown contests, I've entered at least 10 whenever they have done them, hoping I'd have the chance to get away from my dad for a bit and do a lockdown (yes i do believe in ghosts, keep reading to find out why). I found a video, only uploaded 10 minutes ago for the Ghost Adventures team, I get my headphones and plug them into my phone and clicked to see what it was, my jaw dropped as I realised it's another contest for a lockdown with them. Without hesitation I entered it and it said I'll be emailed in the next week if I have won which is ok as I check my emails everyday.

Because I had my headphones in, I didn't hear my drunken dad talking to me. "CHARLIE!" my dad yelled yanking my headphones out so hard it really hurt my ears. "Ouch! Sorry dad, I didn't hear you!" I said in a very scared tone after he broke my headphones and slapped me across the face. "You rotten child, ever ignore me again and you're fucking dead!" He said as he beat me up punching my face and kicking my side.

FF- A week

A week after I entered the Ghost Adventures contest, I checked my emails, I saw an email from Ghost Adventures Travel Channel, I opened it, and I couldn't believe what I was reading, I read it 3 times while pinching myself (which hurt a little), no I wasn't dreaming, basically I WON THE GHOST ADVENTURES CONTEST! AHHH, I'm so excited, they are getting me plane ticket to LA and are going to pick me up from the airport when I arrive.

Once again after I told my family the news, they were all happy and my dad said "No! You are not going you little shit!" and pinned me to the wall and punched me in the face twice, I haven't healed from the last beating, but I was used to it.


The first paragraph is kind of introduction going into Chapter 1, I tokd you my chapters are long haha...and still more to come! Enjoy! :)

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