Chapter 48- England investigation Part 2

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"Can you tell us what's been going on Ellie?" Zak asks.

"Well, a man has hurt us, my kids and me, my husband not so much, but the man scratches me and the kids, sometimes we get marks that looks like we've been slapped on punched, my kids have nightmares about this man sometimes, about how he's never gonna stop harming us" She says. Why is she referring to him as 'a man'? Does she not know that he was our father?

"Wow, I'm sorry to hear you're going through that, it annoys me when I hear about spirits harming the living, especially when they're harming women and children, we're gonna do what we can to make him leave, so you and your family can live in peace" Zak says.

"Thanks, we appreciate you all for doing this, he's not a nice man at all, his lady is nice but she seems as scared of him as we are, we hear her cry, we hear her say something like 'no please don't' in a way that she's gonna get hurt or watch someone get hurt, I don't only want peace for my family, but I want peace for the lady as well" Ellie continues.

"Well, we will do our best" Zak says. "Do you mind if we just take a look inside the house real quick?" He asks.

"Sure, go ahead, just be careful that you don't get hurt, this man will hurt you day and night, he doesn't care" Ellie says. Zak starts making his way into the house with Nick and I go to follow, Nick notices me and stops.

"Woah, Charlie, what are you doing?" Nick asks, Zak stops as he hears Nick.

"Charlie, stay out here with Aaron and the boys, we don't want any of you getting hurt" Zak says.

"Can I just come in for a minute, I know I didn't want anything to do with this, but now I feel I need to" I say. Zak reluctantly nods in approval. The 3 of us walk into my old home, I look around, it's changed a lot, since we lived here, it doesn't even look like our old home now, I walk into the living room and see a huge mirror, I see something written on the wall, without thinking that I'm looking in a mirror I walk over to it to read what is written, I eventually see it says 'I KNOW YOU KNOW' why does that sound so familiar? Suddenly I remember I'm looking at it written on the wall through the mirror, I quickly look behind me at the wall the writing would have been on, but there's nothing there, I look back in the mirror and the writing has gone, I swear I just saw it, that's majorly freaky!! Cause I'm startled I run out of the living room and bump into a hard chest.

"Woah, Charlie, are you ok?" Zak asks as he catches me before I fall backwards.

"Err.. Umm.. What?.. Err.." Is all I say because I'm freaked out.

"Charlie, talk to us!" Zak demands, he worries about me so easily.

"I err.. Saw something, but then it like.. I dunno, it just disappeared, but I swear I saw it" I say as I try to get myself together again.

"What did you see?" Nick asks pointing his camera at me.

"I'm not even joking when I say this, I looked at the mirror in the living room and saw writing on the wall and it said 'I know you know', all in capital letters, then I looked at the wall and the writing wasn't there, I looked back at the mirror and it, it disappeared" I explain.

"That, that's very weird" Nick says.

"And the weird thing is, is that it was familiar to me, but I don't know how, it was like a de ja vu, like I've heard or seen that writing before" I explain.

"Ok, that's it, you're going back outside with Aaron and the boys right now, no 'buts' either, it's not safe for you in here" Zak says. "Actually, Nick you stay here and look around some more and I'll take Charlie back out, I'll be right back" Zak says. He takes me out and I sit in the car while he goes and explains to Aaron what I just experienced. How did that writing seem so familiar? 'I KNOW YOU KNOW', 'I KNOW YOU KNOW'? Where have I seen or heard it from?? And why was Ellie calling dad 'a man' like she thinks she's a stranger to us all? I thought she knew.

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