Chapter 87- Court Part 1

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I stand there, completely frozen still, just looking directly at Devon as he calls my name. Can I really do this? What if after this he still gets off?

"Charlie" He calls me again.

"Don't you say her name again!" Zak says in anger.

"Dad, I can't, I can't do this, I thought I could but I can't" I say as I start to panic and cry.

"Charlie, calm down, take a deep breath and calm down, you'll give yourself a panic attack" Caleb says.

"I feel like I'm already having one Caleb, I can't do this dad" I say again.

"Let me take her outside for a minute" Zak says.

"Don't let me go down for this" I hear Devon say as Zak takes me away from him and outside. He sits us both down on a bench.

"Charlie, listen to me, you're ok, everything is ok, he isn't going to get to you or hurt you" He says. I wipe my eyes to dry my tears.

"But what if after all of this, he gets let free? I don't wanna live my life looking over my shoulder, worrying about whether he is gonna get to me again" I say.

"He won't be let free sweetie, and even if he does get off, he won't get near you, I'll do everything protect you, so will Aaron, Nick, Joe, Jess, Caleb, everyone we know, Devon won't hurt you again" He says.

"Ok, let's not keep them waiting, we can at least try" I say. He hugs me and kisses my head.

"That's my girl, you don't need to be scared, don't let him get to you" He says. We get up and go back inside.

"Everything ok kiddo?" Aaron asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine now, thanks, let's do this" I say. I am called to tell my story of what happened.

"Charlie, can you tell us what happened before you were kidnapped by Devon?" A man asks.

"He was a student in my school, the same year as me, everyone thought he was 15, he was very keen on hanging out with me both in lessons and between them, I took a liking for him and after a bit, he asked me to be his girlfriend to which I said yes, he made me feel special, he was so nice to me, he wanted to be with me, at least that's what I thought" I say.

"What happened after you got together, started dating?" He asks.

"We arranged a date where he would pick me up, if I remember correctly, his mum was driving, that turned out to actually be his sister who he later on killed, anyway, they picked me up and I went back to his, we had some dinner, watched a movie and talked, then it was time for me to go home" I say.

"And that's when you got kidnapped?" He asks.

"Yes, we got in the car, he decided he was driving, which confused me because I didn't think he was driving, then he told me his age was 19, that he killed his mum and just killed his sister, and his plans of taking us out of town and waiting a few years to marry me and have kids with me, only to then hurt us all, I didn't tell him about my epilepsy so the next day and after that, over the 4 days, I kept having seizures and he wouldn't help me by taking me home for medication" I finish.

"Charlie, I loved you, I still do, I care so much for you, if you'd have told me in school about your epilepsy then I would have had the medication for you to keep you healthy" Devon says.

"Devon, please be quiet" The judge person says.

"Because of him, I woke up in hospital after being in a coma for 2 months, I almost died, I'm not even exaggerating, I almost died, I've only just been able to walk nearly unassisted, I don't even feel safe anymore, if thought my dad, my family and friends reassure me that they'll protect me and that I won't be hurt again, I'm still terrified that I'm not safe, I felt safe with Devon, until he kidnapped me and abused me and nearly killed me" I say in rage whilst crying.

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