Chapter 74- Can it be?

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Charlie has been missing for 4 days now, I've looked and looked, the police have been telling people to keep a look out for anything, I'm really worried about her state now, god knows how many seizures she had, is she even still alive? What about Devon? Has he hurt her or tried to help her or anything? I swear when I find them, I'm gonna kill him!

"Zak, is there any news?" Nick asks as they all get to mine.

"I wish, I'm just so worried, I haven't slept, I can't sleep, I need to find her, dead or alive, hopefully alive" I say.

"Just think positively dude" Aaron says.

"I'm trying, but the more I think positively, the more I worry about her state" I say.

"I can't believe it's been 4 days now, that Devon kid is some psycho" Joe says.

"I miss Charlie, I hope we find her soon" Tommy says as he starts to cry.

"Hey, it's ok buddy, we'll find her, we all miss her" I say and hug him.

Charlie's POV

God knows how long I've been here now, I'm so weak, to weak to keep myself awake for more than 2 minutes, Devon has just left me to die, well, he's still hanging around somewhere, but he won't help me, he keep trying to give me water but I can't swallow it, my seizures have never been so bad, it think Devon said I've had at least 20 since we got here, I'm not expert on my condition but I think I'm heading into the danger zone. I need help, badly!

"Charlie, how are you feeling?" Devon asks as he comes into my room.

"Great, I feel great, I've been here for god knows how long, had god knows how many seizures, and I'm too weak to stay conscious for more than 2 minutes, but I'm great" I say.

"We've been here for 4 days now, you've had 25 seizures so far, I'm sorry that I can't help you stop them, not without blowing the plans" He says.

"Devon" I say as I feel another seizure.

"It's ok, I know, I'm gonna be right here, I'll make you comfortable through it and I'll be here when you wake up" He says as he sits by me.

"I'd rather you weren't here when I wake up" I say.

"You'll only be asleep for 10 minutes, I am going to be here when you wake up" He says seriously. And then I see black.

Zak's POV

"I can't stay here guys, I have to go out and look again, she's gotta be somewhere I haven't looked" I say getting irritated.

"Zak, let the cops do their job" Aaron says.

"Not being funny Aaron, and touch wood it doesn't happen, but if it was Tommy or Rhydian, you'd be out there all hours trying to find them, right?" I ask annoyed, and everyone pauses.

"Right, yeah, I would, but I'd keep in mind that the police are doing their best" He says.


"Are you doing your best to find her?" He asks trying to stay calm.

"Yeah, course I am, I've been looking for her since she went missing" I say.

"Then why haven't you found her yet, huh? Let the police help Zak" He says which makes me pause.

"I'm going to look again, anyone wanna help me?" I ask trying to stay cool.

"I'll come and help you" Joe says.

"Ok, you guys can do what you want, I'm gonna go and look for my daughter with Joe" I say and grab my keys, Joe follows me out and we get in my car and start driving.

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