Chapter 19- Back to LA

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I was having a dream about being a paranormal investigator with Zak and the guys when I was woken up by Zak.

"Hey Charlie, wake up" Zak said shaking me a bit.

"Hey dad, what time is it?" I asked opening my eyes.

"It's 4am, time to get up and dressed for our flight to LA" He said walking out of my room so we could both get dressed.

"Ok, and dad" I said getting his attention.

"Yeah, what is it?" He said standing in the doorway.

"Your hairs a little messed up" I said pointing at his hair.

"Yeah, I know, I gotta sort it out" He said chucking and then walking off.

I got dressed into my plain red v-neck t-shirt and red jeans and my high-tops, I brushed my hair, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and Zak was in there dressed in a black t-shirt and hoodie and his black trousers, he was sorting out his 'Zak-fin'. I rolled my eyes as I started brushing my teeth and he noticed.

"Hey, this is important, I need to do my hair and make it perfect" Zak said grinning and doing his hair. I spat out my tooth paste.

"And how long does it take to make it 'perfect'?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Time" He said. "Probably half hour". My jaw dropped slightly in amazement.

"It takes you half hour to do your hair, I've been awake 10 minutes and I'm ready, no wonder we're up at 4am" I said laughing.

"Yeah yeah, whatever" He said jokingly.

"I'm gonna get sone toast" I said walking out of the bathroom.

FF- Driving to the airport and getting on the plane.

"Hey bro" Nick said giving Zak a bro hug.

"What's up man" Zak said returning the hug.

"Hey Uncle Nick" I said while we hugged eachother.

"Hey guys" Aaron said coming to the car with the boys.

"Hey guys, you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah we're good, but I need my coffee" Aaron said sounding demanding.

"Ok, dude, we can get that at the airport and something to eat" Zak said. With that we all got in the car and drove to the airport, Nick was driving, Zak in the passenger seat, me and my brothers in the middle row and Aaron in the back. Soo  we arrived at the airport. Aaron got his coffee and we all got something to eat. Zak put a picture of us on twitter saying 'At the airport for LA with the daughter, bro's and daughter's bro's'.

"Hey dad can I get twitter?" I said wanting it.

"Sure I'll make you an account" He said taking my phone, it was a crap phone but had wifi for facebook, twitter and the travel channel. "When's your birthday?" He asked so he could make the account and he was curious too.

"23rd March 1999" I replied.

"Cool, hey, that's in like three weeks" He said.

"Yep, me and Rhydian turn 15" I said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked. 'Why didn't I? I've never celebrated it' I thought.

"I guess I forgot to say, I've never celebrated it so" I said feeling sad.

"Well this one will be one to remember" He assured me. "Here, you're now on twitter and I'm following you". I read it, my name Charlie Goodwin-Bagans, @Charlie_Bagans it had.

"Hey I've been mentioned in a tweet" I said, the tweet read '@Zak_Bagans My daughter is now on twitter so follow her and be nice to @Charlie_Bagans', I favourite it, then retweet quoted it and put 'Thanks dad'. He read it and hugged me, within 10seconds I had over 200k followers and I was still getting followed, Aaron and Nick followed me too and I followed back. Then they tweeted me and I got 100k more followers, I smiled.

"Flight to Los Angeles is now boarding, thank you" We all heard.

"That's us" Zak said getting up and getting his stuff. We got on the plane. I decided to post a picgure of us on the plane on twitter, I got over 100 retweets and 600 favourites almost straight away. My phone nearly crashed.

"How long till we're there dad?" I asked.

"Oooh, a good few hours" He said sitting comfortably.

"Ok, I'm gonna get a little more sleep" I said yawning.

"Yeah same, the others have nodded off already" He pointed out. I put my head on his shoulder and he put his head on my head and we fell asleep.

A few hours later Rhydian and Tommy woke us up.

"Hey guys, wake up" Tommy said.

"We're landing" Rhydian finished. We got off the plane, got our luggage and went to our hotel.

"Ok, we have 2nd floor, rooms 202, 203 and 204, all of which have two single beds in. Charlie you're with me of course, Nick and Aaron you each have a bog" Zak told us and Rhydian decided to go with Nick. We went to our rooms and sorted our stuff out.


Hi guys thank you for being so patient, I now have my phone back so updates will be more regular, while I have waiting for my phone I have been writing more chapters :D Hope you enjoy this one.

I have tried my best with spelling, some times I misspell but if I spot it or someone else does I then look and correct it so let me know.

In one of my previous chapters, at the end I said if you wanna be mentioned for a story then let me good friend did ask to be mentioned.... her name on here is ThatWeirdGirlLeeLee and her story is called Borderline Disaster..I have read her story so far and it is really good so please check it out!

I put a twitter account up is NOT a real account but @Zak_Bagans is, so please do not try to find Charlie's account since as far as I know it doesn't exist!!

One more thing, thank you so much for over 850 reads thank you guys for reading etc.

Thanks for being patient I will post more chapters up..if you notice any mistakes let me know and I will correct them :)

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