Chapter 43- Explanation

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It's been a few days since the incident at school, Mr Davies got in trouble by Mrs Harris for saying that stuff, he got suspended for 3 days to think about his actions, but I feel like I need to see him for some answers, if he is who he says he is to me, I need to know how and what happened. He's back today but Mrs Harris has told me yesterday that he can't be near me at break or lunch times, only for lessons but I have to see him.

"Bye dad, see you later" I say as Zak drops me and the boys off at school.

"Have a good day sweetie, and you as well boys" He says before driving off.

"I need to do something, are you two ok if I go?" I ask the boys.

"You're not going to see that teacher are you?" Tommy asks. I don't want any trouble with me, the boys or Mr Davies.

"No, not after what happened, I need to see another teacher about some homework they set me" I lie and go before they can ask me anymore questions. I go to Mr Davies classroom and see him sat at his desk with his head in his hands, I knock on the door and he looks up.

"Charlie, you shouldn't be here, I'm not allowed to see you outside of lessons" He says.

"I know sir, but if what you said is true, I need some answers, I can't stop thinking about what you said the other day" I tell him, he stands up and leans against his desk and folds his arms across his chest

"I'm sorry Charlie, I shouldn't have told you that, it was wrong of me to, I don't want either of us in trouble so forget I said anything" He says.

"Please sir" I beg.

"You should get to your lesson, you don't want a detention for being late" He says and sits back down at his desk and looks at his computer screen.

"But sir-" He interrupts me.

"No buts Charlie, get to your lesson now" He says, he gets up again and heads straight for me, I move out of his way as he walks past me. "I need a coffee" He mutters to himself. I guess I should just forget it and go to class, I go to Maths, we're still working on fractions which I still don't understand, Mr Davies always helped me understand the work and now I can't ask him for help, even though I am in class. I put my hand up for help.

"Yes Charlie, what you stuck on?" Miss Carmel the classroom assistant asks.

"Just this question Miss" I say pointing at the question. She explains it to me and helps me answer it.

"Ok people, pack your stuff away the bell will go in a minute or two" Mr Gording says. We pack up and soon I'm on my way to English with Mrs Wilson and all we do is have a spelling test and do some silent reading, I decide to read Zaks Dark World book, it's more interesting. Soon I'm on my first break and I meet with Tommy and Rhydian who are hanging out with Alex, Mark and Ashlee.

"Hey guys, where's Dani?" I ask.

"Dunno, just isn't in" Mark says. Weird.

"Ok then, good lessons?" I ask making conversation.

"Yeah fairly good I suppose" Ashlee answers.

"Where did you go earlier?" Rhydian asks.

"Err, it doesn't matter, it's sorted" I answer kind of lying.

"Did you go and see Mr Davies?" Tommy asks.

"No, I'm not allowed to am I, silly, anyway what's with all the questions, we're on a break not a quiz show" I say, I get a weird look from Alex.

"Anyway I heard Mrs Wilson is pregnant, 4 months gone" Ashlee says.

"Is she? I just had her, I didn't notice, well I barely paid attention to be honest" I say. The bell goes so we go to our next lessons. For me it is Geography with Mr Williams.

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