Chapter 36- Lockdown

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Zak woke us up for lockdown. I am excited but scared at the same time. We set everything up for lockdown and get locked in. Lockdown starts now.

"Ok, Nick, I'm going to send you and Aaron to investigate the maid who killed the family, you 3 kids stay at base for now, I'm going to investigate the family". Zak said and we did what he said. I watched the guys from the monitors. Zak did a spirit box session, Nick and Aaron set up motion detectors and started asking the maid to set them off.

"Can you set these motion detectors off, let us know you're here?" Aaron asked. They went off.

"Dude, I'm freezing over here" Nick said.

"I'm going to use a recorder" Aaron said turning it on. I see a mist go near him. I use the walkie talkie and tell him.

"Aaron, I'm pretty sure I just saw a mist go towards you" I inform him.

"Thanks Charlie, who's here? Are you the maid? Why did you kill the family?" Aaron played it back.

"Hi.... Yeah unfortunately.... I hated them.... Bye!" It says. Then there is a scream.

"Oh my god! Dude, please, you heard that right?" Aaron asked Nick. He nodded yes. I look and watch Zak.

"I'm cold, and I can feel really, intense energy" He said to the camera. Rhydian spots a dark figure go past the room Zak's in and tells me but I don't tell Zak as he's in the middle of a spirit box session.

"Are you the family I can feel around me? Are you the parents or the kids?" He asked.

"Why did she.. Kill us.. My babies.. Where's my husband?" We hear, wow, that was an awesome response.

"I'm sorry about what happened, I'm sure your husband is ok and the maid-" The spirit box interrupted.

"SHE MURDERED MY KIDS.. MY FAMILY!!" That sounded angry and like a man, the husband maybe?

"I'm sorry to hear that, I don't know what I'd do if I lost my daughter, my family" He said. "Charlie, come here" He says.

"Stay here, Zak's calling for me" I said to Rhydian and Tommy and go to him.

"Charlie, I want you to talk to the family" He says.

"Hi, I'm Charlie, Zaks family" I said.

"Don't let anything.. Happen to her.. Zak" The spirit says.

"Oh I won't, I know how much your family mean to you" He said.

"Mamma" We hear very quickly.

"Is that Victoria?" I ask.

"Where's my mamma" It said.

"Keep looking, you'll find her and your family" Zak said.

"Don't hurt me" It said in a boys voice.

"Are my siblings ok sir?" It said in another boys voice.

"Yes they are, we're friendly people" I said.

""Come on let's go" Zak says. We say goodbye and go back to base where everyone is.

"Get anything?" Nick asked.

"Loads, and possibly more" Zak said.

"Same, let's pack up, we've nearly finished for the night already" Aaron said and we did. We get unlocked at dawn and Nick drove us back to the hotel, we're all drained.

"Well I'm getting some sleep" I said.

"Same, we're all drained, that was an emotional lockdown, get some rest sweetie" Zak said and we both get cosy in our beds.

"We didn't say bye to the guys" I said.

"Too tired, we need sleep, we go home tomorrow at midday so we gotta pack when we get up" Zak says.

"Night dad, love you" I say shutting my eyes. I can feel him looking at me smiling.

"I love you too sweetie" He says and we fall asleep.


Hi guys I'm so so sorry for not updating this story since July.. I have been super busy with finding a job and I have started driving lessons, I have also been struggling with this story, I have ideas for it but don't know how to put them into decent chapters, I'm not even happy with how this chapter is but I knew I couldn't just leave it that way.. I have also started a new story called 'Teachers Crush' which isn't Ghost Adventures but when I thought of it I had a good image in my head, I might do a Ghost Adventures romance, maybe.. And I can do Ghost Adventures imagines, just ask me for who you want and what type and I'll start a new story on imagines.. Again I'm really sorry about the delay but I can't say I'll be more frequent with the updates because now I'm 18 and finished college I'm a busy person.. I did put this chapter up last night but I only noticed a little while ago that for some reason it only published half of it, so here's the other half haha.. Feel free to read my new story, I don't mind if you do or don't, but if you do I'm sure you'll love it like you love this story, thanks guys.. Bye for now

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