23. It's Over!

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Slightly unedited. So please bear if there are any errors.


"What the hell were you doing with him?" Were the words with which Angela greeted me.

"Why are you angry?" I slammed my bag on the table next to her's. I should be the one to be angry with her after what her brother did to me.

"Why?!" She gasped. "You're asking me why? Have you lost your mind or something? You were laughing and flirting with Michael!"

"I wasn't flirting with him. And even I was, I don't know how it's your concern!" I snapped at her and slipped into my seat.

Her jaws dropped to the ground. "I thought you hated him. You know what he did right? I don't know why Kevin always cares about girls who only give a shit about Michael." She muttered to herself and shook her head, looking at the ground.

Anger boiled my blood. I wanted to snap at her but the way she behaved was like she didn't know what actually happened. Or would she still support him after knowing about him? She loved her brother very much but she didn't seem like someone who would put up with such behaviour. I bet she didn't know.

"Cares?" I studied her face and found a hint of sadness in her eyes. "If so where were you both the whole of last week?" I crossed my arms against my chest and turned on my seat towards her.

She sighed. "I was in the hospital tending to Kevin."

"Got himself in trouble huh?" I smirked thinking about the injuries that he might have sustained from the fight. I know that it's sadistic but he tried to violate my body. And I don't think I could give him a better treatment than this.

"He tried to save a girl from another guy and they got into a fight. It ended up pretty bad and he was arrested." A tear escaped her eyes and she wiped it away with her hand. Woah! Kevin really had a pretty way of lying and he really didn't deserve Angela as his sister.

"I dont know how someone could hurt him like that. He's a really great guy and he tried to help the girl. But she mistook it and back fired on him. His efforts to save her was wasted. She didn't deserve it. He should have left her in harm's way. She would have realised by then." She gritted her teeth.

"Enough!" I shouted and banged my fist against the wooden table. Her constant ramble on how perfect her brother was started to get on my nerves. I looked at the ground awkwardly and cleared my throat. "I'm sorry but I'm in no state to listen to all that." I tried to sound as unaffected as possible.

"Whatever." She shrugged dismissively. "Anyway he wanted to meet you. Are you free after college?"

"No!" I shouted. A few nearby students gave me weird looks.

"Why the hell are you being so rude?" Angela huffed. "You know what? Never mind! I should have guessed it by seeing you with him." She waved her hands around dismissively and turned her attention to the notebook on her table.

"With whom?" I blinked.

"Michael! You're starting to act like him." She hissed.

"What did I do?"

"I was telling you about my brother who was injured and you couldnt even listen to it! I said he wanted to see you and you just insulted us both! You don't respect someone who cares about you! You're just like him. You'll never understand the love of those around you until you lose it!" She shouted.

My anger increased and I opened my mouth to shout back at her. A banging noise made the whole buzzing classroom silent. The professor walked in and banged his book on the table. Everybody scattered back to their respective seats and the class began.

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