57. I Am A Smart Girl!

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Hey lovely people! My sis jus gave me the idea of keeping a nickname for all my lovely readers but I have no idea what! So if any of you have any suggestions for me! Please leave it in the comments!

So now it's time for chapter dedication... *trumphet plays*

bribribrit ellegee34 subconsciouslyy
AnkitaTiwari382 Flaws-Are-Beautiful
hayleymikaelson000 inshaya24
sapphire2468 cherrybeta24
AAlexa2022 prerna_lamz
anushkasunny anupamakalapanda
yuktha crazzyyteenn AkshitMalhotra AmeeraIffat
I thank all these lovely people for adding this book to their reading list and I hope they actually take the time to read and not just let it be in their list and never read it like I *cough cough* might be guilty of doing sometimes but not always!

And now to the story...

Cath's POV:

The world around me froze, like literally. Everybody in the room stopped what they were doing to stare at me but my eyes were already set on the floor as a single tear drop slid down my cheek and onto the floor.

Samantha squeezed my shoulder lightly with a sad smile. "Hey, it's going to be okay. He'll come back around."

I nodded my head numbly because my mind couldn't concentrate on anything other than his words. 'I want to show you that I am not the person you think I am.'

What did I think of him actually? Everything was a big shocker and a bit too much for me to comprehend at the moment. "Tell me Sam." My voice was too monotonous to be recognised as mine. "Is this all true?"


"What exactly did you tell him?"

"W-what?" She stuttered.

"On the day we went out, he told me that you told him something about me. I want to know what."

She sighed. "I am sorry Cath. I should have told him the truth but I didn't. Not because I was ashamed of it but because I didnt want to make you feel bad by making you remember all of that. So I lied to him saying that Nathan broke you and James since he liked you and that he created a bad name for you. And he seemed to believe it. I had no choice but to go along with that. I thought it wouldn't affect you guys. I am so sorry. I would change all that if I could."

Then it all fit in. The way he was so casual about knowing my truth. The way he said that it wasn't a big deal and that it was bound to happen. Especially when he said that he was glad it happened. Every word he spoke seemed to be wrong but now that I know the truth of it, no other word seemed more right.

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