36. When Did My Life Get So Messy?!

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Sam's POV:

"How do I look?" Cath turned towards me with a nervous look on her face. She wore the dress that Michael had bought for her along with the pearl jewellery and paired it off with a pair of white heels. The dress fell right at her knees. Her hair was made up into a messy bun with a few strands of hair curled and flowing freely in the front.

I grinned. "You look so stunning!"

"You think so?" She asked unsure.

I rolled my eyes at her obvious insecurity. "I know so. Now wait!"

I opened the black bag that was on the bed and threw all of its content onto the bed. I picked out my thick brown hench coat and handed it over to Catherine. "Here, wear this over your dress. That way he wouldn't be able to know that you agreed to this already. Just tell him whatever you wanted to tell and when he agrees to it just remove the coat and he will understand. You don't even have to open your mouth for him to know that you agreed."

"Thanks." She muttered and wore the large coat over her dress. She buttoned it down and not a speck of her dress was shown through it.

"I'm so nervous!" She bit her nails. I hugged her tight and rubbed her back. "You're going to fine!"

Just then the bell rang. I withdrew myself from her and ran towards the door. For some reason my heart picked up speed when I opened the door. But my smile fell when I saw the person at the door.

"It's you!" I groaned.

"Yeah, the feeling is mutual." Michael groaned as if he had been expecting for someone else to open the door. Of course he would but who was I expecting anyway?

"Is she ready?" He shifted his weight from one leg to the another.

I opened the door wide open. "Catherine your date is here." I said in a sing song tone.

She blushed before making her to the door. Michael's eyes widened and a huge grin broke out on his lips. He is so whipped. "You're so beautiful!"

I snorted. "Oh please! Just get going before I start to puke. And you!" I pointed towards Michael. "Take good care of her! You hurt her and I'll kill you."

"Yes mom!" He saluted at me. I hugged Catherine one last time before shooing them off.


Michael's POV:

As she walked out of the room along with me, my nerves kicked in. It all seemed too surreal. I am going on a date with Catherine? I couldn't believe that she actually agreed to it. But more than that, I still had the doubt of whether she understood what a 'date' is considering how slow she is in the romantic section. She wouldn't be able to see that a guy is attracted to her even if he had to state it out loud. For God sake, I've already proposed to her twice and I still don't know what she thinks about me.

I rubbed my sweaty palms against my pant and peeked a sideways glance at her as we near the exited. She had an unusual smile on her face and she kept twiddling her fingers. She always did that whenever she was nervous. It made me happy that I wasn't the only one who was feeling anxious about the whole situation.

She was wearing a large brown hench coat which covered her whole body. It almost seemed like she didn't wear anything under the coat making me anticipate on whether she wore the dress I bought her or not. That was the sign to see if she had accepted me or not. I know that it was lame but I had no other way of getting a sign from her on whether she shared any mutual feelings with me or not.

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