60. Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Actions!

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Omg guys!! We are on our way to 10k guys!!! Yuhoo!!! And guess who made it to the second round of Shine Awards?!! We did!! Keep your fingers crossed guys cause we just might get it..!!

Can somebody whistle for me please?

Thnk u ppl!! Now lets move on to this week's dedication. Thank you
BadgalJ ArohiChavare chloe_animelover
TashAdriane munastep jnspooja alicesamrj DhananjayTanwar
4YEARSNOCALLS hbadsara jhumphry coconut203


Cath's POV:

The final bell rang indicating the end of classes today and I was very much glad for that since I had my practice with the boys today. Ever since Sam had made the announcement we all had been excited for the band. I really was keen on it since I was partly terrified what it might bring me.

What if we became known faces that could be recognised by someone and be reported to my family? What if they find out it was me? I don't think anybody would listen to english songs back at home let alone expect me to be a part of it.

I knew that it was too forward of a thinking and there was nothing really to worry about now since we only are on the starting stages of finding our music and we are no where near signing a deal with Jefferson records.

In fact it all depended on our practice sessions where we were to find our own tune and compose songs that could be presented to the management. Then and only then will we know the fate of our journey in music.

I didn't know what was going to happen to me but I sure as hell didn't want to ruin anything for the boys. If my singing is what it takes to make them even better, I was ready to do it. And for the first time ever, I wanted to do it not just for them but for myself too.

With that determination, I smiled at how much I've changed and exited the now almost empty classroom since I always waited for the crowd to clear up. After  making sure that there was  enough safe to walk, I exited the room and walked towards the exit where Michael always waited for me.

Just as I was about to cross another classroom, someone making their way to the door made a direct clash with me. I stumbled a little and fell on my back. Ugh! Why did my butt have to hurt so bad?

I groaned and looked up to find Ruby smirking at me. "Looking as helpless as ever I see."

I tried to control my anger and stood up quickly. Just as I was about to move past her, she blocked my way. "Oh my little kitten, were you going somewhere?"

I sighed in frustration. "What do you want Ruby?"

Her eyes hardened and any traces of mischievousness that had marked her face was replaced by cold, hard venom. "You know what I want!"

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