46. You're Mine Samantha!

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Hey guys! I hope I'm on time just like I told you all. And in order to help me update on time, I am going to shorten the length of the chapters but I'll make sure that I do update it every Wednesday! So wish me luck! And don't forget to check out my other story, The Late Princess if you want to have a fun, humour side of a story. So now he goes the promised chapter!

Sam's POV:

This was the worst day possible. I begrudgingly took my position in front of the camera and clicked the button on it. The flash went off and the picture was taken. This was my profession. This was the job that I loved and died to have. The one that I came all the way to London for.

But why do I hate it now? Why do I so god damn much want to die on this very spot? Oh no that's not what I want to do. What I want to do right now was to take the damn camera stand and crash it off repeatedly to the ground or more like on the model posing in front of it.

Why you ask? Because the one lying on the large grey rock in front of me was none other than the great Daniel d'silva. He was lying on the rock, with his side to it. His head was supported by the palm of his hand.

A smirk played on his lips as he winked at me. I gripped my camera even more tighter and gritted my teeth as I glared at him. That seemed to make him grin even more wider. I rolled my eyes and huffed before clicking on the camera button for the umth time of the day.

As you would have noticed, my explanation with Tom didn't exactly go bad. But I wasn't exactly happy with the results either. My excuse of 'Daniel coming here to pay a visit and just thought of dressing up as a model for a joke' didn't exactly go as planned.

Turned out that Daniel seemed to have a 'model's physique', Tom's words, not mine and he would love to have him on this project. To say that Daniel's ego exploded would have been an understatement. I could make that our really well from his wide smirk. But what surprised me was that Daniel too agreed to be a part of it.

"That's just perfect." Tom grinned and clapped his hand, making me come out of my thoughts. Daniel sat upright and Tom walked towards him. "I really like your tanned skin. It goes really well with the background."

"Thank you." He grinned and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and walked up to the side. I opened my bag, picking up my water bottle and gulped down its contents in a go.

"So Daniel I want you to meet Alex." A tall, dark girl with black crimped hair walked upto them. She was wearing nothing but a bikini made in a manner where it looked like it was made of leaves just like how Daniel's was. I am so hating this photoshoot right now. But I didn't let it show out.

"The pleasure is mine." Daniel smiled and shook hands with her. She smiled back with a flirty look in her eyes. Daniel's eyes drifted to mine. I quickly looked away and pretended to drink my water again.

"Alex, this is Daniel. He is going to be your modelling partner for this photoshoot." Mr.Hardy spoke to her.

I choked on my drink, spraying it all over the person in front of me. I gave them an apologetic smile which they replied with a flick of their middle finger, before storming off to the side. I lifted my gaze to see the trio staring at me and my cheeks flushed red. But it flew away the moment I saw the smug smile on Daniel's face. How dare he!

"Are you okay darling?" Tom walked upto me and placed his hand on my back. I saw Daniel tense up beside the girl who had her hands on his arm. But he wasn't aware of her advances on him.

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