92. We are our greatest problem!

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It's Wednesday and I am back. Okay I am sorry that I skipped a Wednesday. I tried so hard to finish up this chapter and post to you on Valentine's Day but shit luck would have it that I had an exam on that day too. Shit Luck I say! I know! 😝

Important Note: PLEASE READ! Okay I know that Ive been a little inconsistent with my updates lately and a few people have been complaining that it's taking too long. So here are a few things I want you to know.

1. If I had a chapter ready and it is a Wednesday, I would definitely publish it. There is no reason why I would hold back a chapter from you guys.

2. And if I didn't publish, it's probably because I had an exam, or college got too worked up that I wasn't able to complete it yet.

3. I hate to give you guys incomplete chapters or parts that are just fillers in the name of an update. If I update something I want it to be something that will help the story move forward (even if you don't realise it now) and also be of some quality to you. I absolutely hate fillers cause I know how it is to get excited about an update and find there is actually nothing happening in the chapter.

4. To write a quality chapter, it takes more than just a few mins, or few hours. It can even take days some time before you feel that click of a scene that would make the story alive. And a chapter should always have a start, a middle and an end. So there's that.

5. And finally the infamous Writer's block that every written comes to face one time or the other. I just happens and you don't know why words wouldnt just come out of your mind and everything feels wrong. It does take some time for your mind to come out of it and write something good.

6. For those of you wondering when will this never ending book end, I would like to say that it isn't as near to the end because there are a lot of things that need to happen but not so far from it either. If you're glad, stick with it. If you're not maybe come after Ive completed. Either way, I'll always be glad to welcome you all.

7. I am trying to get back on track by having extra chapters in hand so that you will get your update every Wednesday, so wish me luck.

So that's all I wanted you guys to know for a good author-reader relationship!

This week's 'Cliffer of the Week' title goes to LMWhite8 Thank you so much for the comments. It made me realise how much powerful my words could be. So thank you so much for that. I hope you fall more in love with the rest of the characters as well!

I would like to dedicate this week's chapter toSeemaKadam chimchimisamochi KirtiAnand4
kellymakena3 Kakioulini debbymonster fabharsh Jodhatar
AngelinazDisguise ArchanaAcharya8

Cath's POV:

Nothing. It took me all the courage I had to actually dial the number and all it ended up with was a big fat 'nothing'. I frowned and pressed the call button for the umth time, hoping that at least by now someone would pick up the call and speak, but it ended up with the same automated electronic voice again.

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