102. Denial Is Definitely Not A Sign Of Lying!

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This week's 'Cliffer of the Week' title goes to SiyaKundu Thank you for your lovely comments and message.! I hope you are enjoying the story so far.!

I would like to dedicate this week's chapter touser22758615 volcanic79
Empressaliyah88 user74189159


Cath's POV:

She's gone! My body went cold at the sight of her empty bed and tears were on the verge of spilling from my eyes. I searched for her under the bed, in the closet and anywhere she could be hiding. I ran out to the balcony and my eyes set out on a car that just started from the front of our house.

My heart was at my throat at the prospect of someone kidnapping her. "Sam!" I screamed in frustration. I felt something on my shoulder and turned back with a scream. "Aah!" Sam screamed along with me. It took me a second to realise that she was standing there in front of me, alive, unharmed and un-kidnapped.

I quickly pulled her into a hug. She chuckled and patted my back. "Geez, I didn't think a trip to the bathroom could make you miss me so much!" She pulled away and frowned at me.

I composed myself and put up the fake smile I had perfected, ignoring the tremble of my hands. "Sorry, just got a lil scared."

She yawned and walked back to the bed. "Why would you get scared? It's not like something bad was going to happen to me."

Images of the accident crept up on my mind, followed by images of the texts. I shuddered involuntarily. "Yeah, nothing bad was going to happen but you know me." I shrugged.

Just then there was a knocking sound. The fear that I had managed to calm down rose up again. Sam got up and opened the door. "Daniel? What are you doing here at this hour?"

"Cath wanted to have some coffee, so I made us some and sent her up to see if you wanted a cup for yourself, but she didn't seem to be coming down any time sooner. So I came up to check up on her."

Shit! He was definitely not there to call me for a cup of coffee. He wanted to know the scene I caused down there.

"Yeah sure, kidnap her all you want. I am going to sleep." She yawned and jumped onto the bed. Daniel's dark eyes met mine with a stubborness that said that there was no backing down now. "Well sister, would you mind having a lovely cup of coffee with me now?"

I gulped and nodded my head before walking out of the room. Well, here goes nothing!

I kept my eyes on the floor as I took a sip of the hot coffee. I promised myself not to look up at his face no matter what happened.

"Cath?" He called.

"Catherine?" He tried again.

"Caty girl?"

"Ahh! My hand!" He screamed. I quickly looked up at him with alarm. He smirked and took a sip of his cup of coffee. "Well that made you look up."

I flushed and looked away. He sighed before leaning forward with his hands on the kitchen table. "Cath, come on look at me. Please!"

Hesitantly I looked up at him. He was scrutinising me with his eyes and it was becoming increasingly difficult to stay put. "Give me your phone," he said.

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