50. Damn You Heart For Being So Stubborn!

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Hey guys, I am back again on time! Exactly a week and I am trying to keep up with that schedule. And I cant really believe that we are on chap 50 already! Actually I never thought this story would get here so far! But stil here we are one year and 5 months later with 4.28k reads which is unbelievable. So lets cheer up for that and hope that it gets going on like that! So Yay!

I would like to dedicate this chapter to mckenzie_1010 for adding this book to your reading list and to FadedSmoke for patiently voting on every chapter of mine. I hope you actually read it lol!

A quick reminder to follow my insta account beneaththe_mask

So coming back to the story...

Cath's POV:

I banged my forehead continuously on the the black countertop. Why God? Why? Why are you so cruel? Why did everything remind me of him? I groaned as the door bell chimed, indicating the arrival of a nee customer.

I slowly lifted my head up to see a guy walk into the café and towards a table on the left wing. I didn't see his face but from the back, he looked similar to Michael. But it can't be him. He would never ignore me like that. I mean.. uh.. he would be too annoying.

The door bell chimed again a few minutes later. A smile grew up on my lips as I saw Blake and Zoran enter the café. They walked towards me with a grin on their face.

"Hey Caty bird, what's my favourite person doing?" He winked at me as he leaned forward and patted my shoulder.

Zoran scoffed. "You should stop using that lame line again. Anyway she is MY favourite person not yours."

"No I said that first. She is mine." He scoffed and crossed his arms against his chest.

"No.." The started to bicker again and I sighed. "Guys I can be both your favourites! Now give me your orders before I get fired from here."

Blake then turned around and searched for someone. "Where's Michael?"

"Michael?" I frowned.

"Yeah, he just came inside before us. Can you see him anywhere?" Zoran too turned to look at the tables.

So it was him? But how could it be? I shook my head at the disappointment that was forming in my heart. No, I shouldn't be. In fact I should be happy that he had finally received the message that I didn't want to do anything with him and left me for good. But why do I feel anything but happy?

I shook my head out of my thoughts and pointed to the left wing. "You should probably look for him in there."

Blake nodded at me and disappeared into the corner. After a few seconds he jogged back to us. "Yeah, he is in there." I frowned on this as a part of me expected for it to not be true.

I nodded but pretended to smile for them. "Okay then, you guys take a seat. I'll come by your table to take your orders."

"It's alright Catherine, we can just order ourselves here." Zoran replied.

I shook my head and tied my apron around my uniform. "Naah it's alright. Besides I need to get a good stretch. It's so boring to be just standing behind the counter all day long."

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