108. If Only I Could Believe That!

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I know wednesday is gone, but please forgive this dear author for the delay. I know that some of you might be frustrated with my constant late updates, but Life happens, and you get busy! Sorry people!

This week's dedication goes to azeeba ! Thank you for coming back! I hope you can catch up soon!

Highly unedited! Read under your own risk!

Cath's POV:

Awkwardness. I bet the very word was invented by a girl who had to take a car ride with three guys who absolutely hated each other, but had to endure the journey anyway. I sighed and leaned against the window of the back seat door. The specks of water drops on it enticed me, but not so much as to distract myself from the commotion inside the car.

Michael glared at James, who sat beside him in the passenger side, for the fifteenth time even though it had barely been ten minutes since we began the ride. Karthik sat on the other end of the back seat, far away from me, his eyes entranced by the cell phone in his hand.

"Do you have to keep staring at me? It's quite uncomfortable to have a guy staring me like that." James smirked, with his head turned towards his window.

Michael scoffed. "You really do think so high of yourself, don't you?"

James chuckled. "I was barely stating a fact."

"To hell you were!" Michael shouted, making me flinch back a little. His eyes met mine through the rear view mirror, and his softened a bit.

"Eyes on the road please. I don't want to die in your vain attempts of driving."

Michael glared at him harder. "The only reason that I am not attempting to crash you is because Cath is behind you, and that it's my car. I don't think you're worth all the cleaning I have to do after its splattered with your ugly blood, so I advice you to shut your mouth if you want to go home in one piece!"

"Michael!" I shouted before I could stop myself. The two of them turned to look at me, one with eyes of surprise, and the other with the wrath of hell. No one knew the reason why I did, and I wouldn't dare tell them now. How would I tell Michael that his words reminded me of the one person I was trying to run away from.

Automatically my eyes travelled to my empty hands. The absence of my phone began to get on my nerves, and I couldn't help stop tapping my feet. Each second expanded into a million years with the suspense of not knowing what he might have for me. Did he text me? Did he think I was ignoring him again, and set out a punishment for me?

I had no answers, and I lost contact with the one person who could give them for me. 'Splattered with your ugly blood', 'go home in one piece'. The very words brought me back to the accident at the park. Truck speeding up. Brian running for me. Daniel running after me. His threat ringing in my ears. The sound of my heart be blocked by the sound of the truck.


"CATH!" Michael's voice snapped me out of my vision. I breathed hard, and looked around at the surrounding. Michael was kneeled in by my side, with his hands on my lap, and his eyes filled with concern. "Are you okay?"

I frowned at the emptiness beside me. "Where are they?"

"They left. I just stopped at the hotel. What happened? Why were you not answering me? Are you okay?"

"I have to go." I pushed past him through the narrow space between Michael's body, and the open car door.

"Where are you going?" I ignored Michael's question, and jogged my way to the front of the golden lighted 'Drewson Hotel'. The street lights were turned off with only a few turned on here, and there. I scanned for the familiar figure when my eyes finally fell at the back of his walking figure.

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