24. He Likes You.

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Note : Daniel's bandmates will be making an appearance in this chapter. If you have forgotten, they came in chapter 11. That was a long time ago. So here is a short reminder.

Blake - Blond drummer.
Harry - Brown haired electric guitarist and co-singer.
Zoran - Red head keyboard player.

Cath's POV:

3:55 pm.

Tick tick tick...

3:56 pm.

Tick tick tick...

3:57 pm.

I checked my phone for the 27th time in the past half hour. Michael would be coming here in exactly 3 minutes. I waited for a whole week for this but couldn't wait any longer as the day had arrived.

Sam and I got ready way too early. She had a little work to do. So she stayed in the room and told me to inform her when Michael arrived. I on the other hand didn't know what to do with the spare time. Being prepared too early does have its disadvantage. Sitting didn't help my dancing feet. Huffing I got up from the couch and paced to and fro.

The chiming bell sound made me jump. I rushed to the door and stopped right in front of it. I smoothed out the creases on my shirt and let out a heavy breath. I opened the door with a wide grin but it faded as fast as it formed. An unknown guy stood in the porch with a large red rose bouquet in his hand.

"Who are you?" I've never seen him before. Could he be here for Sam?

"Greetings mam, I'm from Daring Dreams, a flower shop. I have a delivery for..." He pulled out a clipboard from his red bag and skimmed through the paper on it. "Miss.Catherine."

"That would be me."

"Ooh, then here you go." He handed the sweet smelling red roses to me. "Please sign here." He pointed to the blank space next to my name. I did what was instructed.

I handed the paper back to him and looked for any name tag in the bouquet. "Who is it from?"

"It's from Mr.Michael Herman and it comes with a message." He pulled out a white paper from his pocket and gave it to me.

"Thank you." I tried to contain the excitement within my body but the wide grin splitting my face didn't help.

"Have a lovely day." He smiled and left. I closed the door and rushed to the sofa. I hugged the flowers with one arm, making sure not to wither them and unfolded the paper.

"I can't make it today. I'm sorry for making that smile fade away. I promise to make it upto you.

                      - Love, grumpy Mike."

There you go again! Why can't something I wish for happen just for once? Who am I kidding? I'm Catherine, nothing ever happens my way. I slumped back on the sofa and bit my nails in disappointment.

Ten minutes later, I lazily got up from my seat and dragged myself to the showcase to get a vase. I removed the flowers from the wrapper and arranged it inside the vase. I made sure to do everything in a snail's pace. If I kept myself busy, I needn't have to deal with the reality that my expectations were ruined.

The door bell rang again. I placed the vase carefully on the table and opened the door. Someone stood in the doorway with a huge flower basket full of white roses, large enough to cover their face and upper body.

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