114. The Things I Do For Love!

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Nope, this is not an error. You did get a Wednesday update indeed! Wish me luck to keep this up!

And a big thank you to pratishtha1811 for being patient, understanding my situation, and still being excited for my update even if it's a week late! And also to SeemaQaiser for loading up my notification tab with votes and comments! You two are amazing!

That being said I would like to welcome
AngelKrisSweet OluwakemiLamidi
user43474767 to our story! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Daniel's POV:

The space between the sofa, and the kitchen wall seemed narrow. Or was it because I couldn't find any other space to pace to, and fro. Could it really be true? I slapped myself hard on my cheek.

"Ow!" I winced in pain, and clutched my hand over my cheek. Maybe I had not been dreaming, but I couldn't get myself to completely believe in it; not when there was a chance that she could be playing me for insulting her, or bribing me to get together with her for a second opportunity.

Naah, there was no way in hell I would cheat on Sam. Seeing her hurt once was enough to burn my heart for a lifetime. Just then, a beep sounded from my jean pocket. I pulled out my phone to see a message notification from a contact I never thought I would get a text from again.

John (Jefferson's PA)

This is to confirm the meeting arranged next week to discuss about the shelved production under the band, 'The Fallen Ecstasy.' Text in a confirmation message and your appointment will be assigned. Thank you.

- John.

"Holy shit!" A gasp escaped my mouth, and I couldn't contain the grin from surfacing on my face any longer. OH MY GOD! I had indeed been given a second chance in heaven. "YESS!! THANK YOU LORD!!" I screamed, and jumped up in joy. I didn't care that I looked like a mad person. There wasn't anybody to look at me anyway.

I couldn't wait to spread the news to the boys, and Sam. Blake would probably jump on me, trying to smear my face with kisses. The memory almost made me not want to tell him about it, but the happiness of getting another chance made it all worth it; even if it meant getting Blake's disgusting saliva all over my face.

It all seemed to turn out perfect at the end; almost too perfect to be true. I frowned. Something seemed wrong, or more specifically, something didn't seem right. Then the image of Cath flooded my mind. How could I forget about her? Or more specifically, her situation. I closed my eyes, and cursed under my breath.

The solution to it danced in front of my eyes, but I couldn't get myself to do it, not after the last embarrassing encounter I had with him. But the image of singing on stage without Cath was too painful to even consider it. "God damn it!" I hissed, and dialled the number before I pressed the phone to my ear. The things I do for love!


An hour had passed since I made that awkwardly embarrassing call. I knew he would be surprised to get a call from me, but not so much that would cause him suspicions to think I would drunk dial him. Please, like I would ever think about him when I am drunk! Except maybe that one time I got drunk when Sam said she wanted to see how it was to kiss him. Okay, that thought was totally unnecessary!

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