121. You're More Of A Kitchen Scientist?

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I would like to dedicate this week's chapter to jodhatarmariyam kim_kaur tctastic I hope you're enjoying!

Cath's POV:

"Break up with him!"


"Break up with him!"


"Break up with him!"


I jerked out of my thoughts, and blinked. The band manager glared at me through the glass pane that separated the two of us. "We're running short of time. Are you really going to sing, or not?"

My cheeks flushed red, and I adjusted my headphone, hoping that he would not figure out my embarrassment. "Sorry. I just got distracted. Let's go for another take."

The notes of the bass piano floated through my eyes, and I closed my eye. A vivid image of a sea, and surrounding it was a landscape of green, and trees moist with the morning mist. And in the dark breaking down, stood a girl, all alone. And then it began..

I was lost..
And then found..
By the very black swan...

The girl stood looking around, a tear drop in her eye. In the bushes behind, a dark silhouette watched her cry.

In the sea..
In the bay..
Every tear is just a rain..

With every step the darkness took towards her, another tear fell from her face.

I'm the cold..
And the dark..
I freeze, but not my mind..

A million voices scream at her from all directions possible. She screams for help, but it just becomes another voice in the darkness.

I am free..
This is me..
I am the queen of my own sea...
A dark, cold black sea..

She breaks down to the ground, unable to take it anymore.

In the dark comes the floating knight..
With a knife and a dark part of my life...
Is it me?
Or did he just steal a part of my me?

The silhouette comes out of the darkness, and for the first time, her eyes fall on him; the golden yellow light from his eyes, completely pulling her in. Pulling her in enough to stop the voices from plaguing her.

A missing cage for my broken heart..
Ran away, to the end, so far..
Will it be?
A mystery I'll unveil to see..

With every step he takes towards her, she takes one too, until they meet in the middle.

Heavens float they say at night..
Fly across and kill the bite..

The whole of his being was black, from head to toe, except for his eyes. The light alone was enough to keep her still even though he neared her much closer, till their noses were touching, and their breaths were mingling.

Never knew you would be my life..
My love, the dark black swan in the light ...

Involuntarily she closed her eyes, the hot fan of air hitting her face being her only salvation. She tightened her hands, waiting for impact, waiting to feel something that would not kill her. He sensed she needed him just as much as he needed her, and so leaned down towards her ear, and whispered, "I love you."

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