18. Nice Defense Rapunzel

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Cath's POV :

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Cath's POV :

Everything was going exactly the way I didn't want to. I can't believe Sam came home drunk last night. And it was all because of Michael. He just keeps giving me more reasons to dislike him. Dislike being the key word. I don't really know if I hate him. In fact I don't know what to think about him. One time he is sweet and caring like how he soothed away my fear when we were in the theatre. The other times he is just angry and rude. He is the epitome of confusion and mixed signals.

And now he has begun a facade that he is in love with me. I'm not going to fall for that again. It can never be true. I mean he doesn't even know me. We've barely been here for a month and a half or so. We've probably fought more than having an actual conversation. And above all, he is with Ruby!

If he really did love me, why would he be with her? Not that I want him to leave her, because I'm not going to get together with anybody. It's not even a choice for me. Nobody will want to stay with me when they get to know about me. But Michael said he knew something about me. Could there be a chance that he really does love me inspite of knowing that? Or was it a trick to trap me since I'm an 'easy target'?

The loud banging noise distracted me from my thoughts. Michael was on the couch the last time I saw him. Why wasn't he checking who was at the door? Sleepy bear! I huffed and walked downstairs. The banging got louder and louder.

He wasn't there on the couch. That's weird. I didn't check if he was in Daniel's room. Maybe he had fallen asleep there. Considering the state he was in, it wouldn't be a surprise if he slept all day long.

I peeked out through the small window by the door to see who it was. All I could see was the side view of a guy. The helmet he wore hid his face. He clenched his fist and banged on the door impatiently. I ducked down the window just as he was about to turn in my direction. Who could that be?

It couldn't possibly be Daniel. I was informed that he wouldn't be home until at least 2 pm. And if he did come, why would he be wearing a helmet? He left with Sam in Michael's car. Car drivers don't wear helmet, do they?

Sweat dripped on my face and slowly formed all over my body.
My hands trembled and my heart pounded against my chest, ready to jump out of my body.
Who could that be? Nobody ever comes here. What if... The violent banging noise notified me that I needed to act fast. There was a high chance for the person to break the door and enter. Or shatter the glass window and... Shut up and do something!

I ran to the kitchen and searched for a weapon. I grabbed a knife from one of the drawers. But what if it was just some civilian that came up for something else? I don't want to be reported as the psychopath that kills those who knock her door. What else could I possibly use for my defence? Uh-huh! A pan! Not the brightest idea but it sure was heavy and could knock out the person if I used it against them.

I took the knife too, just in case. I staggered my way to the door and tried to control my uneven breathing. The jerking movement of the door clearly showcased the frustration of the person on the other side of it. This definitely can't be a friendly passerby. Placing my hand with the knife on the door knob, I twisted it. I opened the door in a swift motion and raised the pan, ready to beat the daylights out of him.

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