74. Don't Be A Nanny, Old Man!

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Guys we reached more than 25k!! Yay!!! Thanks to you all... Jus informing u guys that I have another exam next week.. N I may or may not update.. But I'll try my best to do so..!

This week's 'Cliffer of the Week' title goes to potterheadivergent ! All the best for your exams! I hope you do well and also find the time to relax and enjoy too!! I know 10th sucks.! 😝

That being said, I would like to dedicate this week's chapter toGhostly_Gary_13 TATIAMED Jada-G kersey1234 redbestgroupever Nivedita2 ElizabethLester8
daydreamforevah user31891386 pugsuasage
suleds TejaswiniChilamkurti

Sam's POV:

"Tension is not a good look on you darling." Tom smiled as he placed a large yellow mug of steaming hot coffee on the transparent glass coffee table in front of me.

I locked my cell phone and placed in on the coffee table. I had stayed all night at his place and I hadn't informed Cath about it. I would have called her earlier but I knew who would be with her and I was in no mood to listen to him or hear her talking about him. So I just sent a text to her claiming where I was and that she didn't need to have to worry about me since I was safe being here. Sometimes I just forget that I don't have a mother and it was all because of her.

I tried to smile at Tom but it was just too hard with everything that had happened just a couple hours before. "I know. But we have just ruined everything and I am not sure anything is going to be normal ever again!"

"Don't worry about it. I've made sure that the police won't have any records against you guys. You weren't even inside the cell for it to be on record. So I don't think it would be a problem."

"You don't understand Tom!" I hissed trying to keep my voice down. "We just wrecked the wedding and ruined the evening for everyone! The media has taped it all. The band's reputation is ruined. Everything they ever worked upto is gone. Mr.Jefferson has cancelled the contract and who would ever give them another chance again. Plus-"

"He kissed another girl in front of you." Tom cut me off. I froze. This was not something I wanted to be reminded of after yesterday. Ever again!

"I was not talking about that. In fact I don't even care about it." I picked up the mug and drank the coffee, hoping the mug along with my hair falling in front of my face would hide the majority of it from him, and in turn the hurt and anger displayed on it.

"It's okay to be hurt Sam. It's just not okay not to acknowledge it. We're all humans after all." He sipped his own mug of coffee.

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