83. Her Enchanted Lover!

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Hey guys I am so excited about this chapter because I loved writing this one with blood and horror and gore. Just kidding but I loved writing it. I hope you guys would too. And oh we just won the Magnetic Award for the Mystery/Thriller genre in The Rarity Awards 2017!! How cool is that?! *Doing the happie dance*

And oh I would like to make a shoutout to my friend ShraddhaKhanted ! She is an amazing writer in the making!! Or an amazing writer who claims to be 'just lucky'! So please do check out her poem if any of you are interested. It would mean a lot!

This week's Cliffer Of The Week title goes to the amazing GoalMishra and fariuanaaz121212 ! Thank you guys for your consistent votes. I really appreciate it and hope you are enjoying this journey with me.

And I would like to dedicate this week's chapter tolovesucks04 yesItookdownmyworks ThabyKheswa khushi760

Thank you all and without further ado...


Michael's POV:

I parked the car outside the fence of the house. I didn't want to draw any attention if my suspicions were true. I got out of the car and shut the door lightly so as to not make any noise and walked on the pavement that led to the house. Unfortunately the road was extremely silent tonight and every step I took made a crunching noise from the leaves underneath my shoes. It felt like I was in a freaking horror movie. I just hoped that it wasn't true though.

Harry was not in town. So I had asked Zoran to go check upon Cath. He had rung the bell but she didn't answer it. Then when he had called her, he could hear the cell phone ringing inside but she didn't pick it up either. This could all be passed off as normal behaviour but what made it weird was that Zorro had heard an strange voice inside. The voice of a male to be exact. That alone made my pulse increase.

If I found that Kevin had anything to do with this, I would kill him. But the most important factor now was to make sure that Catherine was safe. And I didn't want anything else at the moment.

Yellow light emanated out through the window next to the door. I stared at it for a while. There was a moment of a shadow inside. A silhouette of a man to be exact.Who the hell was he? My pulse increased and I made my way towards the front of the house fast but didn't reach the door.

Instead I climbed onto the tree beside the balcony and jumped onto the balcony as silently as I could. I could have rung the bell as a normal human being would have, but how likely was he going to open it when Zorro had did the same earlier. With every second that passed by, my worry for Catherine increased and I hoped that she wouldn't get scared that I was an intruder. All I needed to do now was to enter the room now and see to it that she was actually in there as I hoped she would be.

I stared into the dark room through the glass door that connected the room and the balcony but nothing seemed to be visible. I placed my hands on the glass door and peeked in, bringing my face closer to the surface. As I got closer, something caught my eye but I didn't know what it was. It was something white and pale and as I zoomed in, it too zoomed in closer towards me but it was totally dark inside to recognise what it was.

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