37. I Did Not Kill Him!

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Hey, I'm on a roll now! I've been updating with incredible speed now that I cant even believe that it is me. So anyway I want to dedicate this chap to my new reader, xMyTakex ! Thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday! You really made me happie..! The next would be for my teeny tiny sister who has become a great fan of the story and of Michael's! Thank you azeeba ! And the last mention for today goes to my other sister ShebaHanna She doesn't really read my story, but it's her birthday today. So I would like to wish her a really really happy 14th birthday!! Can't believe they are growing up so fast! And to my bestie krithisubramani for being the strong person that you are!

Special Note : This chapter might cause a lot of  trigger to some people but beautiful souls to are meant for a greater purpose to help other suffering people cause you know what its like to suffer in pain and have no one to help you. So be there for all those great people! Be the great person you wish to have in your life.

To all the special people of the world who are suffering, self harm is not the solution to your problem! Your family might hurt you, even your friends or the world at large too. But the most tragic part is, even you want to hurt yourself along with them. Your beautiful souls were sent to you by God to be preserved in ur own beauty body and skin. To stash it is to ruin God's gift. So stay strong and stay beauty!

To those who are stuck on thoughts of sucide;
You are far too beautiful to be dead.
                   - Vernon Carter Rose.

So that's all the big note. Now you can enjoy the story!!

Cath's POV:

I ran! That's what I did and that's what I was really good at. Tears streamed down my face, making it a mess from all the eyeliner that I had applied earlier. I probably looked ugly now, ugly like my soul.

The surrounding of the beach seemed somewhat familiar and I ran in a direction hoping that it was the same way that I had come from. Finally I saw the hotel within a few feet. I dashed right into the hotel and ran in the direction of our room. People around me looked curiously at me but I didn't care.

Sometimes staying rooms apart, could be handy in these situations. I didn't have the risk of running into the 'other' people. Once I reached the room, I opened the door. Luckily it was not locked. I quickly locked the latchet since I didn't have the key to it and slumped down to the ground. The silence of the room grew up on me. It was eerily silent outside but not inside my head. Voices filled my head.

'You're such a sin!' The voice that sounded much like my mother yelled. Her eyes red and swelled glared at me. I saw the regret she had of ever giving birth to me.

'You're ugly!'

'You're doomed!'

'You should be ashamed of yourself!'

'You're not respectable anymore.'

'I regret to tell you this. But you should have listened to me.' The last one was that of my sweet brother.

A shiver went down my spine and my body began trembling. Then the room spun around me. My breathing quickened and everything in the room started flying around. My eyes shifted from one object to another unable to rest it. The speed of my eyeballs matched that of my heart beat.

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