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Kate's POV:

"We could do this all night, Bishop." The infamous criminal, Y/N Y/L/N, circled me. Her voice was at a low menacing tone to try to scare me. It didn't work, but it did intimidate me. "Just hand it over."

I clutched my hand closed — a rare gem from the wreckage of the Avengers tower was left in my hand. The thief wanted it more than anything. Luckily, I got to it first.

"And why should I?" I countered back, my bow was glued to my side in my other hand. I safely tucked the gem in a pocket near the chest area of my suit. I slowly backed myself into a corner so if she tried coming out, she couldn't exactly take me by surprise from behind.

My eyes flew all around the abandoned building that we were in. "Do I need a reason to have it? I just want it." Y/N quietly growled to herself. She was growing more frustrated by the minute with me.

"Then come get it." Those words left my lips in a whisper. Only a few seconds passed by before Y/N plopped down from above me, upside down. She snatched the gem from my pocket and disappeared back up after yanking her utility belt that held a rope to keep her steady. "Hey!" I quickly ran up the spiral staircase that was across the building, attempting to reach her before she left escaped off the roof.

Y/N jumped over obstacles with such agility, I was so lost in her effortless movements that I almost forgot I needed to get over them as well. "Come and catch me, Hawk." Her taunting voice echoed through my ears. She was such a tease. It was like a cat and mouse game with her, a back and forth thing that regularly happened between us.

Finally, shoving my broad should into the emergency exit of the roof, I threw it open and spotted the thief on the edge of the roof. "You're cornered, Y/L/N." I smirked cockily at her.

Y/N turned around with her own smirk. The gem was still trapped in her hand as she threw her arms up. "Fine. You caught me." She tossed the gem to me and I fumbled only slightly to catch it before tucking it away in my back pocket with a confused look on my face.

Is it just me or was that easy?

"Okay...?" I trailed off which caused the thief to chuckle.

Y/N approached me and wrapped her arms around my neck, causing me to tense up in defense, but I didn't move away. "You know," She trailed her fingers along my neck. "I've always like our little games. I've always liked you." Her hand cupped my chin, her nails slightly pressing into my cheeks as I got lost in her eyes. "Let's not end the fun, yeah?"

My breath hitched as Y/N pressed her lips against mine. Was I going to deny this kiss from a gorgeous woman? Hell, no. What am I? Crazy?

Our lips moved in sync as her hand slipped down to my waist, my arms instinctively wrapped around her torso. Due to our height difference, I was a little taller than her. Her hand that was on my chin moved to the back of my neck to pull me down more closer to her.

Suddenly, her hand slipped into my back pocket to grab the gem. Y/N pulled away with a lick of her lips, tucking the gem away in her bra. "Catch you later, Bishop. Maybe next time we can do more than just kiss." I stared at her a little breathlessly. A small smile formed on my face, maybe I did enjoy these games, too.

I watched as she blew me a kiss with a wink as she used a grappling hook to jump to the next building that held a fire escape. When she reached solid ground, I didn't see her again that night. But, what I did now was that it won't be the last time I'll see her. Or kiss her.

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