Depression Episode

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Y/N's POV:

I haven't gotten out of bed for 3 days in a row. I didn't want to go to school, I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to get up, and I didn't want to shower. My hair is a mess, my room is a mess, and I feel like shit.

"Y/N, how long are you going to stay in bed for?" My sister, Taylor, asked me when she opened the door. I open my eyes to see the soft, sympathetic expression on her face.

"Until the bed swallows me whole forever." I bury my face into the mattress, hearing my older sister sigh softly as the door creaked before it shut completely.

It's not like I was doing this on purpose. And Taylor knew that, but I just didn't have the strength of energy to get up. My mental health has definitely been bad these past couple days. What reason? I have no fucking clue. Sometimes it just happens for no reason and that fucking bothers me.

Because I shut down. And block everyone out of my life.


I was just taking my 5th nap of the day as I heard my bedroom door open. I didn't bother opening my eyes, letting my exhaustion keep me down as I felt a warm hand place itself on my back.

"Hi, baby." The soft voice of my girlfriend made me open my eyes. I looked up at her to see her eyes filled with so much softness, I melted at the sight.

"Haiz? What are you doing here?" I whispered, her hand stroking my cheek now.

"Your sister called me and told me how you've been lately. So let's help get you a fresh start, sweetheart, okay?" I nodded as she helped me to stand up, holding me up since I had no strength and leading me to the bathroom.


Hailee helped me shower the entire time, showering me with love as well as she dried me off. While I was drying off she cleaned off my bed and changed the sheets. It looked and smelled so much better. I sat on my bed, seeing her pickup the rest of my bedroom, cleaning up my mess.

"You don't have to." I whisper, fiddling with my fingers in my lap as the brunette looked at me.

"You're my girlfriend, of course I'm going to take care of you. If you don't have the strength to do this yourself, then don't worry, because I will do it for you baby." Hailee said softly, kissing my forehead multiple times before she vacuumed the carpet, tossed the trash out, and cleaned all the dishes that were stuck in here.

I watched as she changed into something comfy, turning the tv on and putting my favorite movie on. Edge of Seventeen. It's always so hard getting her to watch it, so this made me really happy. Hailee soon crawled in bed, pulling me in her lap while I rested my head on her chest.

"I don't deserve you." I whisper when we're halfway through the movie. I felt my girlfriend kiss the back of my neck lightly.

"Yes you do. You deserve everything, Y/N/N." She whispered back in my ear, kissing my cheek longingly. "I love you."

"I love you more. Thank you."

"You never have to thank me, my love." Hailee stroked my back with her hand under my shirt. I felt at peace, safe, and comfortable in her arms which allowed me to fall asleep a lot quicker tonight in her arms. A ghost of a smile on my lips as I did.


Real 😕

Thank you for 80k views, you guys are amazing. I love you 🫶🏻

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