Killer Queen

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(A/N: play Killer Queen by Mad Tsai)

3rd Person POV:

Kate was the new girl at school, and she surely caught multiple people's attention. Including a certain mischief one from a Y/H/C girl.

Peter Parker and his friend group were the first to approach Kate, offering a friendly smile. "Hi." The boy greeted, Kate turning around to face him with a smile on her own face. "I'm Peter, you're new, right?"

"Oh, yeah, I am. I'm Kate." Kate smiled as Mj, Yelena, Kamala, and America joined them.

"Oh, these are my friends. Mj, Yelena, Kamala, and America." Peter introduced, pointing to all his friends who waved to Kate. "What brings you to this school?"

"Oh, well me and my mom just moved here." Kate shrugged, smiling as something caught her eyes. She made eye contact with a girl with beautiful emerald eyes and long Y/H/C hair. She was wearing fish nets underneath a black skirt with a white crop top. The girl across the room smirked, winking at Kate which elicited a blush from the girl.

Peter and his friend seemed to have caught on when Kate wasn't paying attention. Turning around, they looked for the source, laying eyes on Y/N Y/L/N. Their eyes widened in fear and panic as Kamala opened the janitors closet nearby, America and Yelena shoving Kate inside.

Kate yelped, she didn't have time to think as everyone crowded inside the closet. "What the-"

"Shhh!" Kamala hissed, slamming a hand over the Bishop girl's mouth. Kate furrowed her brows in confusion as Peter looked through the small little blinds of the door, watching Y/N walk past the closet, her hands on her hips as she tried searching for the new, mysterious black-haired girl.

"Whew." Mj sighed in relief when Y/N disappeared out of the building. "Okay, uncover her mouth now." Kamala removed her hand from Kate's mouth, the latter more confused than ever.

"What the hell is going on?" The black-haired girl asked.

Everyone shared a look, Peter deciding to step up first, taking a deep breath.

"There was this girl, the most beautiful in the world." Peter started. "She had all the boys in town wrapped around her finger."

"She would walk the halls and everyone would whisper and talk." Mj continued, sharing a worried look with Peter. "'Cause all the girls in town wanted to be her."

"But behind those emerald eyes, she's a devil in disguise." Yelena exclaimed, Kate's eyes widening. "The prom queen has blood on her hands. Every boy and girl she dates disappears without a trace, so be careful when she asks you to dance."

Kamala stepped up, resting a hand on Kate's shoulder. "She's a motherfucking killer queen, a psychopath at 17."

"A beauty in a blood stained dress. She'll fill your heart with kerosene, and light you up til' you can't breathe." America said ominously. "If you cross her path, you just might end up dead."

"There was this girl who was broken by the world, 'cause everyday at school, they'd push and shove her." Peter said with wide eyes, Kate letting every word they said sink in.

The emerald eyed girl walked through the halls, books clutched to her chest as she suddenly felt an impact on her shoulder, her body now being shoved against the lockers. Her glasses fell off her face, breaking on the ground.

She turned around, watching the cheerleaders giggle with the jocks who walked by with mischievous smirk, laughing their asses off. She glared hard, standing up and never taking her eyes off them as they exited the building.

"But she had a plan, one day she would get her revenge." Yelena emphasized, Peter double checking out through the blinds, no sign of the emerald eyed girl. Yet. "And those cheerleaders and jocks would six feet under."

"But behind those angel eyes, lies a devil in surprise." Peter jumped up, placing his hands on both of Kate's arms, striking fear through the black-haired girls body. "The prom queen has killed for her crown. Every boy and girl she seeks never comes back in one piece, so be careful when she tries to ask you out."

"She's a motherfucking killer queen, a psychopath at 17, a beauty in a blood-stained dress." Said Mj, wrapping her arm protectively around a worried America and Kamala. "She'll fill your heart with kerosene, and light you up til' you can't breathe. If you break her heart, you just might lose your head."

"Im sorry, I cheated on you, Y/N." The boy admitted, his voice was nervous and apologetic.

Y/N glanced over her shoulder, a scary glare on her face as she reached for a large steak knife in the drawer of her kitchen. "I guess you'll just have to think about what you've done." She smirked evilly, the boy screaming in terror.

"She's dancing by herself, she's from the queen of hell." America and Kamala chanted together. "Tears will sink into her skin. She's gonna get revenge, you're all gonna know her name, she's the one and only, killer queen!"

Y/N circled back inside the building, her emerald eyes sharp on the lookout for Kate. Her ears picked up the sound of chatter coming from the janitors closet, she pressed her ear against the door, listening in.

"She's a motherfucking killer queen, she sold her soul at 17, a beautiful and broken mess." Mj said softly, Kate's mouth agape, swallowing hard at every bit of information.

"She'll fill your heart with kerosene, and light you up til' you can't breathe." Y/N smirked at Yelena's words.

"If you break her heart, you just might meet your end." They all whispered in unison to Kate, eyeing her with big, concerned eyes for the new girl.

They all jumped when the closet door was thrown open, revealing the killer queen herself. Y/N leaned against it, Kate made eye contact with her, immediately getting lost in her beautiful emerald eyes, as if they were trapping her in a trance.

"It's Kate, isn't it?" The Y/H/C girl asked, smirking widely at the black-haired girl who nodded dumbly. "You're really cute." She flirted, walking forward as Peter and his friends took a step back as much as they could, fear invading their senses for their, hopefully, new friend. "I'd love for you to come over to my house sometime."

"Okay." Kate tilted her head, her voice was so monotone, as if she was under a spell from Y/N's eyes. "I'll come over." The Bishop girl smiled and Y/N smirked, taking the taller girls hand in hers.

"Perfect." She threw a mischievous, evil look to Kate's friends who panicked, trying to reach for Kate, but the blue eyed girl was too far gone. Her only thought was how she could please Y/N, and the emerald eyed girl loved her controller over this girl.

She was a keeper. Hopefully.

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