November 7th

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(A/N: today we are treating short people like royalty. ME! IM TALKING ABOUT ME! I'm 5'1 so y'all are walking in MY shoes for this chapter 😤)

Y/N's POV:

Today is the day I deserve. It is the day where people treat me like royalty. Why? Because I'm short as fuck. My girlfriend always says that I'm her short queen, but then again she's also the same person who loves to but everything on the top fucking shelf so I can't get it. And when I need it, I'm forced to ask her so Hailee can constantly tease me about it.

But not today.

I stormed into the living room, taking Hailee by surprise as her eyes widened a little, setting her phone down as she laid her hand comfortably on Martini, who laid in her lap.

"Babe? Everything okay?" She asked in a nervous tone and I kept my poker face on, looking her dead in the eye with my arms crossed.

"Do you know what today is?" I ask, tilting my head. I can see a million thoughts flowing through my girlfriends head, the wheels practically turning in her head.

"Uh..." Hailee trailed off, worry and nervousness in her tone. "It's not our anniversary... is it?" She directed the question mostly to herself.

"No." I shake my head before breaking out into a smirk. It made her relax. But only a little, because now she knew I was up to something.

"Then what's today?" She asked cautiously, standing up and gently setting Tini down on the couch.

"Today is the day you treat short people, me, as royalty." I smirk, holding my head up high with pride and confidence in my voice.

Hailee giggled, rolling her eyes playfully as she got on one knee, bowing her head like a knight would. "Yes, your majesty." She said in a funny accent that made us both laugh. "What are we doing today?"

"We're taking all the food off of the top shelves." I nodded determined, and Hailee laughed with a snort.

"Whatever my queen wants, she shall get." Hailee scooped me up in her arms, setting me on the counter as she hovered over me, beginning to move the items to a lower shelf that I can reach.

"Why thank you, my king." I praise and smile widely as Hailee leans down, kissing my lips longingly with a smile as well. "I love you."

"I love you too. Shorty." She teased, patting my head jokingly while I playfully glared at her. Hailee laughed but not for long since I grabbed her collar to pull her down for another kiss.


5'1 short queen right here 💅
Everyone is always taller than me 😭

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