The Girl on the Balcony (Part 2)

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Hailee's POV:

I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through my hotel windows. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I got out of bed and headed into the bathroom to shower. Once I was done I changed into some workout clothes. The receptionist told me that there's a gym on the first floor which is exclusive. Plus, no one really uses it. So I grab my water, phone and headphones and I head down.

I put my headphones over my head and play some of my favorite songs. I begin my workout. Halfway through I see someone else working out as well. She stands up from the beach press and drinks some of her water. I stare for a really long time and I take it she catches me because she starts walking over to me.

"If your staring try no to make it so obvious" she giggles at me. "I'm Y/N. You must be the girl that's room is next to mine, right?"

I continue to stare. Shit! Say something!

"Uhm yeah yeah that's me. I'm Hailee by the way." I stutter

"Hailee? As in Hailee Steinfeld?" She questions tilting her head.

"Yeah that's me. You... won't tell anyone right?" I ask

"What? No! Of course not! You celebrities deserve privacy." She smiles warmly at me. "Not to mention you are my celebrity crush. I don't know if you know this but your kinda hot." I smirk at her and let out a chuckle. My eyes wander up and down her body. I'm hot? Look at her. Damn!

"Your hotter." I whispered. She smirked at me.

"Thanks Steinfeld. Here." She hands me a piece of paper with numbers on it, "Text me." She winks at me before walking out of the gym. I look down at the paper and smile. I haven't dated anyone since, y'know... but I nonetheless she's nice, sweet, and beautiful.

I pull myself out of my thoughts and finish my workout. After I'm done I walk back to my room and shower. After showering I change into a red crop top with some black jeans. I grab my red vans and a baseball cap. I grab my keys, phone, wallet, and camera. I put them all in my backpack and make my way done the hotel.

I find myself practically lost. I don't see anyone else around to help me. I'm looking down at my phone, confused as ever, when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Y/N standing there smiling softly at me.

"You look lost. Wanna join me? I can show you around." She suggest. I nod and smile at her. We start walking along the beach shore. I decide to break the silence.

"So have you been here before?" I ask her.

"Yep. 8 times. Best vacation spot. You'll love it." She smiles at me. I look out into the ocean and an idea pops into my head.

"Do you trust me?" I ask her stepping in front of her, making her stop in her tracks. She seniors at me laughs.

"Of course. Why?" I grab her hand and run towards the water. We run in and until we are should length in the water. We both laugh and start splashing each other. We calmed down after a while and just stare into each others eyes. I swim closer to her and she wraps her arms around my neck, while my arms fall around her waist. I giggle as she just smiles at me.

"I really wanna kiss you right know." She whispers. I smile and cup her face. I lean forward and place and soft gently kiss on her lips. Her lips were warm, soft, and they tasted like strawberries. The kiss was slow but passionate. We pulled away after a bit and put our foreheads together. I pull away and look into her eyes. She smiles before speaking.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" She asks and my smile widens. I really like this girl and for her to ask me out, made my heart do flips.

"Yes. I would love to." I whisper before pulling her in for another kiss.

She insisted on walking back with me to my hotel room. When we reach my door she pecks my lips, placing a hand on my check. She mouths 'text me' before leaving. I smile and walk in. I'm soaking wet but its fine. I shower for what felt like the millionth time today and out on some sweats and a t shirt. I grab my phone and decide to text her.

'I really enjoyed today ;). Can't wait for tomorrow ❤️'. I send it and smile staring at the ceiling. I hear my phone go off and I check to see that she messaged back.

'I'm glad. Every princess needs their beauty sleep, so sleep well sunshine 💙' she texts back.   I smile so wide that my jaw starts hurting. I heart her message and plug in my phone. I slowly drift off to sleep with a stupid smile glued onto my face.

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