Cooking for the Family

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Hailee's POV:

Today was the day that I invited my family out to join me and Y/N for dinner. She insisted that I invite them so she can cook for all of us. I've never tried her cooking before but I'm so excited.

I hear the door shut from downstairs and Martini and Brando barking. I walk downstairs and see my Y/N walking in with her hands full of groceries.

"Babe? Need some help?" I ask her. She smiles at me.

"Yes please" I laugh and take some of the bags out of her hands. "What are you making tonight?"

"It's a surprise" she boops my nose before kissing my forehead. She puts away all the food and starts to prep dinner. I go up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She leans into my touch as I rest my chin on her shoulder.

"What time is your family coming again?" She asks breaking the silence.

"5:30" I look over to check the time and it's already 5:00. "So in like 30 minutes." She chuckles and turns around in my arms. She brings her arms up to wrap around my neck and pulls me down for a kiss. It was slow and filled with love. We pulled away after a minute.

"Well I'm gonna start and I need to you to leave. It's a surprise for a reason babe." She says before pecking my lips multiple times. I giggle and grab her ass. She squeals in surprise as I let go and wink at her before walking out of the kitchen.


I heard a knock on the door and I stood up to answer it.

"Hailee!" My mom squeals, hugging me tightly. I hug back.

"Mom! Dad! Wait where's griffin?" I tilt my head wondering where he's at.

"Oh he's parking" my dad simply answered. We all laugh and I invite them in as I watch Griffin jog towards me. He pulls me into a hug.

"Hey sis!" He says pulling away. I smile and close the door as they settle down in the living room.

Y/N! Babe! They're here!" I yelled for her hoping she'll hear me. She walked out and welcomed all of them.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" My mom asked.

"No Cheryl, don't worry. Tonight is a surprise dinner and dessert. So relax and dinner will be ready soon." She smiled and walked away.

"If her food is amazing, keep her Haiz" Griffin says. I laugh.

"I was already planning to do that"

"Hopefully she's a better cook than you." He mutters and I playfully punch him in the arm.

"I'm not that bad!" I exclaim rolling my eyes, he just laughs.

"Dinner!" I hear Y/N yell from the kitchen. We walk into the dining room and see it all set up. Homemade salad, garlic bread, and fresh fruit. She sets down this delicious looking place of lasagna in the center. We all sit down and eat.

"God that was amazing!" Griff groans out. She laughs and smiles.

"Thank you. Family recipe." She says taking everyone's plates.

"Well we're family so maybe you should share that recipe?" Griffin suggests playfully. She turns around and laughs at him.

"Nope. Let me rephrase that. My recipe" she giggles. I walk over to the kitchen handing her the last of the plates. I hug her and whisper in her ear.

"Best. Food. Ever" I turn her around and she's blushing hard. I kiss her cheeks before leading her back out to the dining room. We decide to play a game.

Y/N pulled out this tray and set it down on the table. Then she reached for an ice cream carton in the fridge.

"Who wants brownies?" She asks and we all eagerly nod.

"These are some of the best brownies I've ever had!" My dad exclaimed.

"Thank you, really" she says.

After a couple more hours of playing games, my family decides it's best for them to go now.

"Today was amazing." Mom said hugging Y/N.

"Agreed. We should let her cook all the time" dad states and everyone laughs.

"Bye!" We say as they walk out the door. I turn around and hug my baby.

"Amazing dinner baby, thank you!" I said pulling away.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now let's go watch a movie." She suggested

"Perfect." We snuggle up onto the couch and watch the Lorax. I hold her on top of me and kiss the top of her head. I am never letting this girl go. Ever.

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