Wrong Direction

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Y/N's POV:

There she was. My best friend, Hailee Steinfeld, pouring her heart out on stage as she performed her most heartbreaking song ever.

I stood backstage, my head tilted as Hailee's voice uplifted thousands of people. Her voice was so angelic, the song was majestic. Her emotions were raw and deep, but true and genuine. She's a sensitive person, but it's what makes her the sweetest as well. How could anyone ever hurt this adorable woman?

I do know the person she's singing about.

Niall Horan.

All her fans knew too, they figured it out like a puzzle, quicker than we thought they would. But it's whatever, most have been more supportive than not. Of course, some of Niall's fans would fight for him, they even spread a lot of backlash about Hailee.

She told me I've been her rock throughout all of this, it makes me happy to know that I'm the person she can fall back on or come to when she needs it most. When she first told me Niall cheated, I was furious, but her feelings came first. Especially since she came to my house as 2:30 in the morning, soaking wet in her own tears.

It was a tragic time, it still kind of is but I know Hailee has been healing. I know my presence definitely helps a lot. She's told me that so many times. And I'm starting to believe it. I've been the only one who's held her, wiped her tears, and comfort her ever since then. Yes, her family came to visit as soon as they heard, but they couldn't be with her 24/7, they had their own lives.

I was Hailee's backup dancer for a while, when we were making her Most Girls music video, we became quick friends. I worked with her day and night to help master her routine. I even helped her with her Lip Sync Battle.

The point is, I've been here. And I will stay here for her, no matter what.

I watched as Hailee quickly wiped away any tears that had fallen loose, dragging out the last note perfectly, her voice reaching deeper levels of emotion. The applause rang through my ears, I watched Hailee blow kisses to all her adoring fans, as she made her way backstage.

Her eyes settled on me, a small smile forming on her lips as she walked up to me. We stood a few feet away, that was until I surged forward, knowing she needed a hug more than anything right now. She quickly wrapped her arms around my neck. Because of our height difference, my head was buried in her chest, my arms around her waist as she had hers around my neck and shoulders. She rested her chin on top of my head, I could hear her soft sniffles.

"You okay?" I asked softly in a whisper, pulling away as I reached up to cup her face, wiping her tears away with the pad of thumbs.

Hailee glanced off to the side, her eyes sparkling from the light above us. "Yeah." She sniffled, looking at me, her hazel eyes glowing. "I think so."

I nodded, not saying another word as I grabbed her hand, lacing our fingers together and guiding her to her dressing room. Her team would be here in about 10-15 minutes to help her get ready to go home, so once we entered, I dragged her over to the coach.

Hailee giggled cutely as I pushed her down on it, laying on top of her. I rested my head on her chest, hearing her heartbeat and the soft breathing coming from her nose.

"Thank you." Hailee's voice was hoarse and raspy, her sentence catching my attention. "Thank you for everything, Y/N/N. I mean it. You are literally my favorite person in the world and I don't know what I'd do without you."

I looked up at her, my eyes gazing softly into hers. A smile toyed on my lips as I brushed a loose strand of her hair back behind her ear. "Of course, Haiz. You're my best friend, I love you and I'm always going to be here for you." Hailee sighed softly as she smiled, pushing my head back down in her chest as I chuckled quietly.

"I love you too, Y/N." Hailee mumbled as she rubbed my back, both of us getting sleepy in each other's arms.

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