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Hailee's POV:

"MAMA!" My daughter yelled, jumping on top of me causing me to grunt as I sit up, looking down at Y/N, who gave me a toothy grin. "Come on! It's time to wake up!"

I groan, turning over as I flip the pillow over, settling on my face. I hear Y/N giggle cutely, her tiny hands reaching for my pillow as I tried my best to hide my smile. Soon enough it was weakly thrown off of me, Y/N's cute head peaking out as she stared at me from above.

"Hi mommy." She waved her little hand. I smiled, scooping the 6 year old in my arms as I attacked her face with kisses, causing her to giggle.

"Alright." I chuckle, tossing her on my now messy bed. I walk over to the calendar, running my finger along the days as my eyes scan, stopping for a moment. "Oh, you have a dentist appointment in 2 hours."

"NOOO!" Y/N screamed at the top of her little lungs, sprinting out of my bedroom, causing my eyes to go wide as she ran downstairs. I quickly threw on pants and a jacket, rushing down after her. I notice her head peaking out from behind the wall leading to the kitchen.

"Baby? Can you come here, please?" I ask politely, my voice remaining as calm and kind as possible. Y/N was hesitant at first before she walked over to me. I crouched down, pulling her in my arms as I look down at her. "What was that little tantrum for?"

"I don't wanna go to the dentists." She mumbled quietly and shyly, fiddling with her fingers. My gaze softens, smiling gently as I pick her chin up.

"Sweetheart, you don't need to be scared." I assure, her eyes still big with fear and hesitation about going to the dentists. "I promise, I'll be right by your side at all times, okay?" I hold my pinkie out for her to take.

Y/N smiled slightly, bringing her hand up to latch her tiny pinkie onto mine, I kissed the back of her hand, making my daughter giggle. I picked her up, walking into the kitchen, setting her down on the counter as I begin making her breakfast, turning on Bluey in the process for Y/N to watch.

"Mama?" I hear my daughter call out for me, making me look at her after I flip the pancake.

"Yes, honey?"

"Thank you." She mumbled in a toothy tone, looking at me with a giant grin. "Thank you for being the best mommy in the world."

I felt my heart grow a thousand times more as I heard Y/N's words, a bright smile forming on my face as well. I take the pancake off the stove real quickly as I walk over to my daughter, placing a loving kiss on her forehead, brushing some of her long brown locks behind her ears, a feature she received from me.

"Well thank you for being the best daughter in the world." I whisper, kissing her forehead again, watching Y/N's smile grow ten times wider than before, if that was even possible. "I love you, my beautiful daughter."

"I love you, mama." She cooed, her tiny hands grasping my shirt for a tight, bear hug, which I happily returned with a proud smile on my face.



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Just some upcoming, future Hailee books to look forward too 😌

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Just some upcoming, future Hailee books to look forward too 😌

Hailee Steinfeld ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now