Never stopped

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Warning: Josh


Y/N's POV:

Todays the day I finally get out of bed. I stand up, but immediately fall back. Nope.

I've been like this since me and Hailee broke up, it's been so hard without her. We broke up 2 months ago because the media accused me of cheating which is a complete fucking lie, and even when it was proved wrong, Hailee still had me blocked on everything possible.

I've seen the pictures of her and Josh, I hate that she moved on so quickly. As soon as I found out from my roommate, I threw my phone across the room so hard, I created a giant ass hole and broke my phone.

I hear someone knock on my bedroom door, making me groan and roll over on my stomach, hiding my face in the pillow when I hear it open.

"Dude, you've gotta get out of bed." My roommate, Billie, exclaimed. I lifted my head up, seeing a look of disbelief on her face at my messy room. I'm normally the super organized person.

"I can't, Bill. It hurts too much." I whined, pouting when she yanked the covers off of me.

"Bro, we're going out. You need a bitch or something you can hook up with." She said, and I almost cried right there of thought of dating or hooking up with anyone who's not Hailee.

"Let's just go get drunk." I meet in the middle, watching her eagerly nod while I get up, both of us getting dressed. Nothing fancy but we do look hot.


We finally arrive at the bar, it wasn't too busy but enough people to cover the dance floor. Me and Billie stepped out of the car, walking in. I was wearing a simple black dress while Billie, of course, wore a simple suit.

Billie said her goodbyes to me before leaving to go flirt with a group of woman in the corner, I, whoever left to go to the bar.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing out on a night like this alone?" The bartender asked me, sympathy on his face as he passed me a drink.

"Girl problems, man." I scoff, downing it in seconds.

"I feel you." He sighed, refilling it up and setting 4 shot glasses in front of me, smiling, before going to help the other customers.


It's been about 2 hours and i am currently 10 tequila shots deep and 2 whiskeys, I am DRUNK off my ass. Billie is too, I see her and some girl starting to get a little frisky, I hope she doesn't take her home this time.

I stand up from the bar, stumbling as I walked through the club, before I felt a hand on my wrist. I turn around to see a guy, maybe late 30's with a smirk on his face.

"Hey there. You look lonely, why don't you come with me?" He whispered, and me being drunk, I just shrug it off like it's nothing, but someone had another plan in mind.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Oh shit, she sounds like my ex.

"Mind your business. Come on, pretty." The guy tried convincing but my 'ex' grabbed my waist protectively, making the guy leave.!

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She turned to me... oh shit... it IS my ex. She looks pissed, but worried... why?

"Why do you care?" I yank my arm out of her grip harshly, a glare on my face as I try downing another shot but Hailee takes it from me.

"Y/N, you are drunk off your ass right now and some guy almost took advantage of you." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and setting the drink aside.

"Why does it matter to you? I'm just a cheater, right? Why do you care? Go away." I snap, trying to walk away but her strong arm stopping me AGAIN.

"Because I do care, shut the hell up and let me help you."

"No." I mutter, finally getting her to let go and stumbling out of the bar. I was drunk and hurt, I didn't expect to see Hailee there, MY EX, and the thought of her makes me cry.

As I was just about to leave, Billie is the one to stop this time. I groan and look at her soft eyes.

"Hailee needs to talk. Just listen." She cut me off as I was about to open my mouth, pushing me into a separate room, seeing the brunette. She still looks gorgeous, not gonna lie.

"What the fuck do you want?" I groan loudly, frustratedly running a hand through my hair.

"Just listen." She spoke calmly, taking a step forward but I step back, only for my back to be met with the wall. "I should've listened to you, the day we broke up. It was so fucking stupid and wrong to listen to the media." She took another step forward, my heart racing. "To be honest, I've been asking Billie how you've been and it broke my heart to hear that you haven't really left your room since our break up." She hesitantly reached for my hands, my body tending up as she held them, tears stinging both of our eyes. "I tried to forget you, sure, I went on a couple dates with Josh but he will never be you... I don't think anyone will. I love you Y/N, I never stopped."

When she finished talking, we both had tears streaming down our faces, I carefully grabbed her face and pulled her down for a small kiss.

"I never stopped either, Haiz." I whispered softly, seeing her breath bitch at the use of her nickname. "It hurt so much when you didn't listen or when I tried to explain but I think it hurt worse when you didn't trust me. I would never put you through something like that again, I'm not any of those guys you've dated before but I just-" I cut myself off, feeling her stroke my cheek. "I want to start over... because I can't imagine being with anyone but you."

"I want to be with you too, Y/N/N. So badly, and I know I hurt you, it wasn't my intention at the end, at first, when I believed it, I won't lie, I did want to hurt you. But I want you, and I miss you so badly, so if you will take a chance on me, I'd be happy to gain that trust back and be more willing to listen." She promised, kissing my knuckles as fresh new tears fell from my eyes, staining my cheeks as a small chuckle left my lips.

"Yes. Yes, Haiz. But can we take it slow?" I ask, and she quickly nods with a small smile.

"Of course, love. Anything." She picked me up, my legs instinctively wrapping around her waist as we both slowly leaned in, kissing each other softly, pouring our all into it.

This was home. She was my home, and it felt good to be back where I belong. Where we belong.



I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep tonight 😭

Love you 🥲

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