The Final Hour

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Kharon looked and saw Kronika's keep lying ahead. "LAND HO!" He yelled as the horn was blown signifying the docking of the boats.

As the boats got closer and closer to land, armies of Netherealm demons and Outworld factions such as the shokan, centaurs, and tarkatans were gathered on the Isle. They all roared and prepared themselves for war as the boat was close to docking. The demons could wait no longer and ran towards the boats to get a jump on their enemies. Unfortunately for some of the demons at the front, the massive entrance ramp came down and crashed on top of them, flattening them to paste.

Sub-Zero was the first one off the boat as he blasted the ramp with ice and slid down before freezing a few demons in place. He then created an ice axe and sliced the demons apart before running into battle. Smoke was next off the boat as he became invisible before moving at high speeds and slicing apart enemies with his curved blade. Scorpion was next as he flame-ported off the boat and into the center of a large group of demons that were all blasted back from his power.

A few demons tried to jump on the side of the boat and climb on, but once they reached the top and entered the boat, they were all met with a powerful push of wind from Fujin that sent them all flying back far. Sareena jumped off the boat and used her blade to stab into the skull of a demon before pulling it out and masterfully slicing her former demon allies apart.

Li Mei decided to float in the air and scoped out the landscape before flying around the demon army and shooting ki blasts to take many down quickly. As for Skarlet, being in a literal sea of blood was a fantasy for her entire life, yet here she was. She floated high up into the air, used her blood magic to pull some of the blood from the sea, and created a storm of blood. The blood hardened and turned into large spikes and spears as they rained down onto a portion of the battlefield filled with demons, killing the lot of them quickly.

The special forces boat reached the beach next, and this time, the demons awaited for the boat to dock before attacking. Once they did, they were met with grenades and gunfire from soldiers. Sonya, Jax, and Johnny all zip-lined off the boat and onto the dock before opening fire on the demons themselves. Kenshi used his telepathy to pick up a large number of demons, and Takeda, working in tandem with his father, sliced them apart with his bladed whips.

The next boat to dock was the one carrying Shaolin monks. Kung Lao and Liu Kang were at the side of the boat and both looked back to give a signal to the monks. Once they were all on the same page, they jumped off and ran across the boat's poles before jumping into battle against the massive demon army.

As for the final boat, it docked further off to the side of the Isle where the Outworld enemies were gathered. Sindel and Kitana gave the signal to all within the boat to attack when the armies began to converge on them. Sindel, Kitana, Jade, Sheva, Ermac, Edenian knights, and Shokan alike all jumped off the boat and prepared themselves before running into war.

Meanwhile, on another island, Riekhan faced the relentless juggernaut, Geras.

^*battle ost*

Riekhan wasted no time and immediately blasted Geras. The time construct put up his defenses and tried to block the blast. Riekhan put more power into the blast and pushed another wave out, breaking Geras' defense and enveloping his entire body within it. After the blast died down, Riekhan saw what remained of Geras: a smoldering pile of ash.

"Could've sworn they said something about him being immortal." Riekhan said to himself as he put his hand down and was about to leave so he could join in the war effort.

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