Night of Champions

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Li Mei finally woke up and her head was reeling. She saw that she was now in her and Zirack's bed at the Edenian castle. She was alone for now, but the silence gave her an opportunity to reflect on what happened before she was knocked out. Minutes passed by as she was all too wrapped up in the thought of having Onaga control her. She felt horrible at the fact that she was a pawn for the dragon king.

Soon however, Zirack walked into the room and saw that Li Mei was up. But she didn't know what to say or do now that she was face to face with the man whom she loved for over 6 years and betrayed...brutally.

"Z-Zirack...." Li Mei broke the silence as she tried to find the words to explain herself but was failing miserably.

Zirack got down to business as he crossed his arms and said, "Onaga's gone, for good."

"I-I know." Li Mei said as Zirack replied, "So you know what that means right?"

"Yes." Li Mei answered as she felt nothing but shame.

"It means your husband is gone." Zirack said as Li Mei was about to reply but needed to do a double take.

"What?" Li Mei asked almost wide eyed. "H-he's not my husband. Never would I willingly be with such a malevolent and repulsive creature!"

Zirack's serious and expression slowly turned into a smile as he knew he was right. "Glad to hear that." Zirack said.

"Zirack, I'm so sorry-." Li Mei attempted to apologize to the Saiyan but he put a hand up and calmed her down as he assured her, "I know."

"Onaga was controlling your every move and forced you to watch." Zirack explained as Li Mei was surprised on how he knew that.

"Ye-yes... How did you know that?" Li Mei asked as Zirack answered, "Shortly after Onaga was sealed away, everyone else he put under his thrall were brought back to their true selves. Including Liu Kang, Kung Lao and Kitana, along with everyone else who fought with us when Shao Kahn invaded earthrealm a few years ago."

Li Mei was wide eyed as she was astonished to hear about all of their comrades being returned to the land of the living, and not as revenants or slaves. Zirack continued as he explained, "Kitana talked about how it felt as if her body was being controlled by Onaga, but she could hear and see everything she was forced to do. That was the case with everyone Onaga controlled. Was it the same with you?"

Li Mei felt ashamed to admit it, but she lowered her head and looked down at the bed as she answered, "Yes..."

Li Mei was almost on the verge of tears and Zirack could see this too as he sat down next to her on the bed and tried to comfort her.

"Li Mei, what Onaga made you do was not your fault." Zirack tried to reassure her but she replied, "I-I understand that. But, just.....watching what he made me do...."

Tears started to stream down her face as she continued, "To have to watch my body be used to try and kill you. To say the most....the most horrible things to you. don't know how terrible I feel for that. Regardless of whether or not I was getting controlled."

Zirack continued to try and comfort her and he reassured her, "I'm going to keep saying it for as long as I have to, but nothing that you did to me was your fault. I just hope you can see that."

Li Mei looked at Zirack as he explained, "You know you're not the first person I've had to tell this to. A few years ago, Sindel blamed herself for killing all of our allies. And I'll tell you the same thing I told her, you're seeking forgiveness for you actions, even though they weren't yours. Only difference this time, is that you only need forgiveness from one person."

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