A New Era

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From everyone's eyes, all that could be seen was Super Saiyan Zirack floating back down to the ground with his hand outstretched and a massively long stretch of vaporized land in front of him. "He did it. He killed Shao Kahn!" Nightwolf said. Zirack looked down as he saw the helmet of Shao Kahn and picked it up before going to his friends. Zirack did not have much to say as he was still forlorn because of Liu Kang's death.

"Zirack, what happened to you?" Jade asked as Zirack didn't know what she meant. He showed visible confusion to everyone as Tanya stated, "Your hair is blonde now." She said as she found the Super Saiyan hair to be more attractive on him than the raven black. He walked over to a window to see how he looked and didn't even know that he had golden hair and teal eyes. He then let his tail out of his pants and saw that it was the same color of his hair.

"I-I really don't know what happened to me. It felt like I was in a rage and saw nothing but red. Can someone explain exactly what went down?" He stated as Skarlet told him, "Your hair turned blonde, but before that your energy was causing an earthquake and a pillar of golden light surrounded you and then you dismantled Shao Kahn."

"How does my hair turning blonde give me the power to beat Shao Kahn like that?" Zirack asked in genuine confusion.

"Perhaps I can tell you." A voice said as Cetrion herself came down to the city to the surprise of everyone. Everyone kneeled as she waved them all off and allowed them to stand as she went on to say, "I am here on behalf of the elder gods to show gratitude to the Saiyan warrior, Zirack."

Zirack was confused about why they specifically wanted to thank him as he asked, "Thank me for what?"

She answered stating, "Shao Kahn had obtained enough power to bring about destruction to not only the realms, but to us as well. By defeating him, you have stopped a potential universal crisis."

"Wait if I beat Shao Kahn and proved to have more power than him? Then why aren't the elder gods cautious of me?" He asked as everyone was worried that he just asked a stupid question that could result in his immediate destruction from the goddess.

But their worries were put to rest when Cetrion said, "The rest of the elder gods understand that, and feel as though you could be a potential threat down the line. However, we also know you have shown that you represent the best qualities of mortals: Virtue, compassion, courage, understanding and above all...righteousness. You have used your great power to be a symbol of light against the forces of darkness."

Zirack was speechless as Kitana asked Cetrion, "What was that power Zirack unleashed?"

She went on to explain, "The Saiyans had a legend that there would one day be a warrior that would rise up and transcend the power of their race. This legend occurred once every millennia and it is said that only a saiyan with a pure heart awakened by rage can transform into The Legendary Super Saiyan."

"S-super Saiyan?!" Was everyone's question as they were all in awe at the prospect of Zirack being a legendary warrior who only showed up once every millennia.

"The power of the Super Saiyan is much greater than that of the Giant Ape. In fact, the power of the Legendary Super Saiyan is 50x greater than your normal power." Cetrion said as everyone now had their jaws on the floor.

"50 times???!!!! Just the 10x increase alone from the great ape was enough to make you a powerful force, but 50x?" Skarlet said as she did not know what to say next.

'With power that makes even the elder gods uneasy of his existence, this warrior could rule all of the realms if he so desired.' Tanya thought to herself.

After everyone let go of their shock and awe Cetrion gave one final message to the group as she said, "The lives of all of your friends that were lost today, may not be lost forever." She said before departing and before anyone could ask what she meant.

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