The Beginning of the End

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"Erased?!" Skarlet questioned Raiden as the thunder god nodded to confirm.

"No....." Li Mei said as grief began to overtake her.

"This can't be, Lord Raiden!" Kung Lao said as he also couldn't come to grips with the fact that his good friend was gone permanently.

"How can Kronika erase Zirack?!" Liu Kang asked, angry at the titan that just took his childhood friend away.

"Kronika has the ability to wipe people out, and unfortunately, she's used that ability on Zirack." Raiden informed the group.

"But why Zirack specifically?" Sindel asked as Kitana added on, "And if she has the power to wipe us all out, what's stopping her from doing the same to us?"

"As for why Zirack was erased specifically, I do not know." Raiden answered as he shook his head. "But, Kronika's ability to erase a being from existence is dependent on her energy reserves. Considering we're all still standing, perhaps erasing Zirack has taken all of her power."

"So if Kronika has gone as far as to erase Zirack and is low on energy, then she should be weak enough for us to strike." Hanzo said as Raiden agreed.

"You said there was a way to defeat Kronika without confronting her directly, correct?" Sub-Zero asked Raiden.

"Yes, but we must make haste. Kronika's power will return to her." Raiden said as Ermac added on, "And Shao Kahn's army will no doubt be aiding and protecting her."

"We must move quickly." Raiden said as he turned to Sindel and said, "Queen Sindel, we will return to Earthrealm and regroup there with the rest of our allies. If any further developments occur, contact Fujin."

Sindel gave a single nod and Raiden opened a portal back to Earthrealm. Raiden walked through and was followed by Hanzo and Sub-Zero. Kung Lao and Liu Kang had a bit of a delayed reaction as they were still trying to come to terms on Zirack's erasure. And as bad as it was for them, Li Mei and Skarlet were worse.

"Is this really it? We immediately move onto Kronika and act as if Zirack isn't gone? Forever?" Li Mei asked as Liu Kang informed her, "As much as Zirack's erasure pains us, Kronika is still a danger."

"As much as I understand that, this still doesn't feel right. Zirack deserves far more than this." Kung Lao argued as he shared Li Mei's sentiment. After everything Zirack's done for everyone here, they all just move on and focus on other stuff?

"And I agree with you, Kung Lao. But if we do not defeat Kronika, then all of us may befall the same fate as Zirack. And we all know him enough to know that he'd want us all to live. Not just to live....but to honor his memory." Liu Kang stated.

Kung Lao, Li Mei and Skarlet all slowly agreed with Liu Kang's words of wisdom. Skarlet then spoke up and said, "If there truly is a way to defeat Kronika, then titan or not....she will pay for blood."

At Kronika's keep, the aforementioned titan and Cetrion both stopped their combined spell and felt drained. Kronika looked into the hourglass and saw that Zirack was no longer a problem in this universe. She took satisfaction in her and Cetrion's work, but then she looked further into the hourglass and made a realization that angered her.

"That other Saiyan.... Riekhan....he's still here!" Kronika yelled in frustration.

"How is that possible, mother?! We used as much power as we could muster to ensure both of their erasures!" Cetrion said as she couldn't believe their combined attack only worked halfway.

"It could only be possible....if someone protected him." Kronika said as she turned her fury over to the lady of flame. "You! How dare you betray me like this, Delia?!"

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